9 : His face

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It was now the next day. You were walking to the library with Saiki, thinking about good memes. Saiki stopped and so did you. 'Ah, we're here.'

You looked up at the library doors, but there was a note on them. It was something along the lines of 'Something important happened. Library is closed.'

'Oh no,' you started panicking, 'Where are we going to work on the project? Maybe we could do it at the cafe? No, i would probably get distracted by the food. Maybe at my house? But what if dad comes home and they start arguing,' Saiki raised a brow at your thoughts.

He had enough of your rambling. "We can do it at my house," you blushed at his poor choice of words and nodded.

- - -

You were now walking to Saiki's house with him. You didn't feel the need to text your mom, because she already knew that you were studying, but she didn't know where.

'We will probably work for about an hour, so what's the point of telling mom,' you yawned.

'I should not have stayed up late watching anime, i regret it,' you yawned again.

Saiki started walking to a gate. You assumed it was his house. 'Looks nice,' you thought to yourself. Then you looked at your surroundings and noticed that he lived pretty close to you. Just a few houses down the road.

You walked in his house and started taking your shoes off, while Saiki did the same. "Welcome home Kuu-chan!" a cheery voice came your way. 'Kuu-chan?'

"Oh who's this? Your girlfriend?" "No" appeared a middle aged woman with short black hair. 'Must be his mom. Wait, what did she call me?'

"N-no, i'm not. I'm a classmate of his. My name is (l/n) (y/n). Nice to meet you, Mrs. Saiki," you bowed so you could hide your blush.

"Oh, so polite! Please call me Kurumi," she said with the brightest smile you have ever seen. "We need to work on a project."

"Oh, of course! Let me make some snacks for you. Go on ahead, i will bring them to you," she said going in to the kitchen.

Saiki started walking up the stairs, so you followed him. You yawned again as Saiki opened the door to his room.

It was nothing special, but it was cozy. Saiki sat on his bed and you decided to sit at his desk. You put on your headphones and got to work.

- - -

After one hour of working, you were now passed out on Saiki's desk. You already finished your work. You were looking over it, as you got really sleepy and passed out.

'Good grief, now i have to deal with this,' Saiki stood up from his bed and walked over to you. He carefully took your notebook, so you wouldn't drool all over it.

He decided that it would be easier to finish the project with his powers. If you were going to ask questions, he would say that he finished it when you fell asleep.

After he finished the project, Saiki looked at you again. He grabbed a blanket and put it over your body. He then got a good look at your face.

You looked really peaceful. More peaceful than usual. He couldn't help but admire your face, because everything turned to bones because of his powers.

While he was looking at you, he noticed that you weren't turning to bones at all for him. He was really intrigued.

He leaned in to properly examine the features of your face. He didn't notice how close he was until you opened your eyes.

As you opened your eyes, you saw Saiki extremely close to your face. As soon as he saw you open your eyes, he shot straight up and looked away, to cover his pink tinted cheeks.

You felt heat rising to your cheeks. You tried covering your face while your mind went crazy.

'Why was he this close to me? What was he doing? Did i fall asleep? There's a blanket on me. Wait, why am i not mad at him for being really close to my face? I should be mad, right? I'm more mad at my self for not being mad at him! Wait, was he trying to kiss me?!'

Saiki had enough of your rambling. "You fell asleep and i finished the project," he said calmly. "O-ok."

'How is he so calm?!' In reality he wasn't. He was scolding himself for not being careful. He was also using his powers to cool his cheeks.

"S-so, we should p-probably submit o-our project t-tomorrow," your heart was still fluttering and you had a slightly weird feeling in your stomach. You scolded yourself for stuttering.

"I'm goint to submit it," he said and you nodded. Your eyes widened as you remembered something. "What about Chisato?"

"I'm sure she's already contacted the school and told them about her jobs," he now looked at you, but you avoided looking at him. "O-okay."

You looked at the time and thanked the lords you didn't fall asleep for long. "W-well i should get going now," you stood up from the chair.

Saiki nodded and followed you downstairs. You were about to go outside, when Saiki's mom came.

"Kuu-chan, you should walk her home! It's getting really dark!" she scolded her son. He sighed and started putting on his shoes.

"I-it's fine, i live nearby," you tried telling her. "Nonsense! A pretty lady like you shouldn't be walking home alone!" you blushed at her words.

"Thank you for having me," you bowed. "Of course! You're welcome anytime!" Kurumi said with a bright smile.

"Your sweets were delicious, by the way, thank you," you thanked her, the sweets she baked were really good. "Thank you, (y/n)! You really would be an amazing girlfriend for Kuu-chan," you blushed at her words, while Saiki glared at her, his cheeks slightly pink.

"Goodbye!" you walked out of the Saiki residence. "Bye, (y/n)!" Kurumi called out from inside the house.

The walk to your house was suffocating. All you could think about was Saiki being really close to your face.

He stopped and you knew that you were at your house. "T-thanks for walking me home," you said slightly blushing.

He nodded and started walking away. You looked at his retreating figure and got a weird feeling. 'Oh no. Don't tell me i actually like him,' you whined and hit your head.

You didn't know that Saiki heard your thoughts. 'Good grief. What have i gotten myself into.'

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