3 : Creepy guy

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"Saiki Kusuo"

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Saiki," you said as you were looking at him and just nodded.

'Not much of a talker, huh. I don't want to do the talking, i'll just make a fool out of myself if i do,' you thought. "W-well, i suggest we wake up Mera from her daydream so we can start talking about the project," you said and he nodded again.

You turned your head to see Mera looking like she's in heaven. You weren't sure how to wake her up, so you just nugded her a little.

Thankfully it worked and she woke up from her dreaming. "Huh?" was all she said as she looked at you and Saiki.

"We should start talking about the project," you were the one to start the conversation. Saiki as always nodded and Mera said, "Yeah."

Then there was silence. It was really akward and you absolutely hated it, so to stop it you said, "Soo, where will we do the project?"

"Oh, about that," Mera spoke up, "I won't be able to make the project everyday because of my jobs. But i can still help with information!"

'Ok, so that means we can't do the project at her house, so that leaves either mine or Saiki's house. Or maybe we can do it at the library! Yes, i am big brain,' once you gathered your thoughts you looked at both of them.

"We can do it at the library, since we can get a lot of information there," you said, "And when you can, please do help us," you looked at Mera and she nodded. Then you looked at Saiki for conformation and he also nodded.

"Ok, that settles it, we should slowly start working on it," you said as Saiki sat down on the chair in front of your desk and you started to get down to business.

- - -

After school ended you were walking through the halls of the school to go home. You were unfortunately interrupted by someone.

"Hey! Hey you! New girl from Saiki's class!" at that you turned around and saw a guy with purple hair and a white headband.

'Eeh.. she's more average than i thought. But those thighs!' "Hi i'm Toritsuka! But you can call me the man of your dreams!" you slightly cringed at what he said.

"U-uh, hi, i'm (l/n) (y/n)," you said without the 'nice to meet you', beacause you didn't like that he was staring at your figure intensly.

'I guess she's quite average, but she's still hot!' "Well (l/n), it's nice to meet you! Do you want to know what your protect-" he stopped himself as he stared at you looking surprised.

"Uhh, is everything alright? Are you dead?" you asked and he suddenly started yelling, "Huuuh?! Your protective spirit is so average and yet intriguing!"

"Huh? Protective spirit?" you were confusion. 'Does this guy also have powers or something or is he mentally ill?'

"Yeah! A protective spirit is a spirit who's job is to protect you! And yours is some washed up comedian!" he said that and an irk mark appeared on your forehead.

"Washed up comedian? Are you saying that i'm not funny?" you weren't as hurt as you sounded, you kinda did this for fun.

"N-no! I-i'm not saying that! I'm j-just saying what your protective spirit is!" he said with his arms up defensively.

"It's okay, just what do you want?" you were getting quite tired and wanted to go home and relax.

"I was thinking if you wanted to go on a date with me?" "No!" he winked at you and now you were slightly blushing.

"U-uhm i-i'm f-flattered bu-but i w-will have t-to s-say no," now you were a stuttering mess.

He looked sad for a moment, but the next he was running to annoy some other girls while saying, "You will regret it one day, (l/n)!"

'Doubt it,' you thought as you were walking out of school.

- - -

While you were walking home, you walked past a pastry shop. You noticed that there was a sign that read 'GIRLS ONLY SWEET BUFFET' you were quite hungry, so you decided that you would go.

While you were waiting in the line you saw Mera talking to someone. More like screaming at them. "Sorry, i'm late! I didn't have money for the train fare! Sorry! I thought you were someone else!"

You decided that you would call her over, but someone did before you could. "Chisato, over here!" you looked to see who was calling her and saw that there was a girl with short hair and a pink hairband and Teruhashi.

"Oh, that's our uniform," Teruhashi said to the girl with pink short hair. You thought that you would just escape not wanting to get caught up in their little girl date, but before you could someone called your name.

"Oh, (l/n)!" 'Shit, well there's no backing out now' "H-heey Teruhashi, what a coincidence!" now all the attention was on you.

"Oh, you're the new girl! Hi, i'm Yumehara Chiyo!" she said with a smile. "H-hi, i'm (l/n) (y/n), it's nice to meet you." "You too! Do you want to join us?" "Not really" you thought about it and decides to join them, "Sure, i guess i can."

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