26 : Average Dude

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omg its genuinely so annoying that tr*mp is still alive, like can he just die already

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You, Harumi and Mikoto were sitting in a cafe. It was early in the morning and they had dragged you out of your house. You all were wearing your school uniforms because you had school soon.

Two girls walked in. You could tell they were foreigners because they spoke in English. You had no reason to focus on them, so you got back to enjoying your small meal.

You ate your food and once in a while contributed to Harumi and Mikoto's conversation. They both sat in front of you. When you looked at them, they both were really unique.

Especially Harumi, she recently had gotten a septum piercing and it suited her really well. She also had jumped on the trend where you cut your hair as little horns. She had drawn on really nice eyeliner today.

With how she looks, she sometimes would get bullied. But she always found a way to get back at them and embarrass them. That was how she was one of the most popular girls in school, most people loved her.

"So are you gonna finish that or are you going to give it to me?" "I'm not sharing" Harumi snapped you out of your thoughts by asking a question. You looked at your plate of food and then at Harumi. You shook your head with a sweet smile, causing Harumi to pout.

"I'll give you some," Mikoto said, picking up a spoon full of chocolate cake and lifted it up to Harumi's mouth. She accepted it happily. "Thanks babe," she said after swallowing the cake.

After some time, you three had finally finished your food. "I don't wanna go to school!" Harumi clung on to Mikoto's arm stubbornly. "You're such a child," you said to her, standing up and picking up your bag. You stood off to the side, waiting for Mikoto to do her magic.

"Listen babe, i'll buy you anything you want after school," Mikoto said, putting her palm on Harumi's cheek and looking into her eyes. You both knew that Harumi would forget about it later. "Okay, you're the best!" she finally stood up and grabbed Mikoto's hand, bringing her along.

You three had started walking to the exit when you heard those two girls talking about you. More specifically Mikoto and Harumi. They were saying that Harumi looked terrible and that it was disgusting she was holding hands with another girl.

They must have been complete idiots thinking that they were the only ones who could speak and understand English.

You were about to go off on them, but Harumi beat you to it. "Shut the fuck up. I speak anglish two," Harumi purposely said with the most terrible accent. You bursted out laughing after seeing the terrified looks on their faces.

They started apologizing, but Harumi rolled her eyes, flipped them off and started walking to the exit. Mikoto had to drag you out of the cafe, since you were still dying of laughter and Harumi had already exited.

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You and Mikoto were walking Harumi to her class. Your conversation shifted back to those girls at the cafe. You started laughing again, remembering the absolute look of terror on their faces.

You got to Harumi's class and as you were about to say goodbye, you saw Kusuo looking in to the class with that pervert guy next to him.

You saw that his eyes shined, his mouth was agape and his cheeks were slightly pink. It was weird, since he only looked at coffee jelly that way.

You were slightly jealous and curious as to who he was looking at. You three walked up to him. "Hey, who are you looking at?" you asked him, putting a hand on his shoulder and leaning over it, so you could see better.

He slightly glared at your hand, but didn't take it off or ask you to take it off. "Satou Hiroshi," Kusuo answered your question. You followed his gaze and saw an ordinary dude. "What's so special about him?" you asked, really confused.

"He's the most average person i've ever seen. You're nowhere as near as average as him," he said, shocking you slightly. He just insulted you in some weird way. 'Rude,' you thought and he heard it. "It's just the truth," he said, looking at you from the corner of his eye.

"Hey, hot stuff," that pervy guy came up to. You turned around and looked at him. He had two hand prints on his face, one on the left side and the other on the right. You looked to where Harumi and Mikoto stood. You knew that they probably were the ones who did it.

"What do you want?" you asked him, trying to remember his name. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go on a date, babe," he said, snaking his arm around your waist and shooting you a wink. You were about to shove him off and add a third hand print on his face, but someone beat you to it.

"Get off of her," Kusuo yoinked the guy off of you and glared at him. Kusuo looked really mad. "Chill, Saiki. I was just joking around," he said, putting his hands up in defense, terrified of Kusuo.

He let go of the purple-haired guy and turned to you. "Sorry about that," he casually said and went back to ovserving the average dude. 'What just happened? What the fuck just happened?'

You were really confused. You looked back at Harumi and Mikoto. They both were smirking. 'Was that really him? He was so mad. Was he jealous? He looked so hot when he was mad,' your thoughts were racing and you knew you messed up with the last one.

He looked at you with a disappointed look. "Sorry, Ku," you smiled akwardly and used a new nickname. He rolled his eyes, hearing it, but his heart was beating fast. "First name basis! Is she your girlfriend, Saiki? I'm really sorry for messing with her!" "Sadly, i'm not" the white-headband boy started freaking out.

"Good grief, we're not dating," Kusuo said, glaring at him also blushing. "Genuine question, what is your name?" you finally asked, since all this time you had been calling him different names.

His expression slightly faltered when he realized you had no idea what his name was. "I'm Toritsuka!" he winked at you and did some weird pose. "Cool," you said, akwardly and nodded. You knew you were going to forget his name again, but you were determined to remember it.

You decided to stick around and observe the average guy with Saiki. You had discovered that he truly was the most average person on earth.

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hope you enjoyed this chaper <3

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