4 : Girls date

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After going inside everything was filled with delicious looking food. Your mouth watered just by looking at it.

'This is like heaven!' you thought and you didn't know that a certain 'girl' psychic was thinking the same thing.

You were sitting down next to the pink haired girl by the window across from Mera, Teruhashi and Yumehara. Mera was already stuffing her face.

Yumehara started introducing herself to the pink haired girl. "I'm Yumehara. I'm in the second year. And this is Chisato," Teruhashi then piped in, "And i'm Teruhashi."

They looked at me. 'Dammit i guess i have to introduce myself.' "I'm (l/n)." "What's your name?" "Saiki" Yumehara asked eager to find out.

'Wait, what!? Why did my subconscious say Saiki, it can't be, Saiki is not a girl, what is going on? Are my powers not working or something?'

You felt Saiki stiffen a little beside you before answering Yumehara's question, "Kuriko." "What, Kumiko?" "No, Kuriko." "Kusuo?" you interrupted her, "How did you get that?"

"Oh, Kuriko! Nice to meet you!" Yumehara said and Teruhashi continued, "Nice to meet you!" Mera was busy stuffing her face with food to say anything. 'What an icon,' you thought to yourself.

"Yeah, nice to meet you," you said only to regret it a second later. 'Wait, why did i say it like that! It was nowhere near as enthusiastic as Yumehara un Teruhashi!'

After Kuriko started eating her face formed into someone who enjoys her food. Now that you think about it, you probably look the same.

"Saiki?" Teruhashi suddenly said causing you to raise an eyebrow. "I thought the same thing." Yumehara said. "They eat the exact same way."

"Oh, sorry. The way you were enjoying your food looked exactly like this boy we know called Saiki." 'Wait, are we thinking about the same guy? He had this stoic face all the tims in class'

"I hope we didn't offend you," Teruhashi apologized. "But don't worry, he's a really cool guy," Yumehara said trying not to offend Kuriko. 'They must me close,' you thought.

Yumehara then continued, "Cool enough that this pretty girl here fell for him-" she said without thinking "Chiyo!" Teruhashi looked terrified and put her hands in front of Yumehara's face.

They were being so loud that people were now starting to look at us, making me uncomfortable. 'So she has a crush on Saiki. What does she find in the guy?' you weren't listening right now, because Teruhashi was almost crying and Yumehara was trying to calm her down.

"Oh right," Yumehara started after calming down Teruhashi, "Is there someone you like?" "No" she asked Kuriko, who was trying to eat her dessert peacefully.

"No way! There must be someone!" Yumehara didn't give up, "No. I'm trying to eat." You kind felt bad for Kuriko, because she was getting unneeded attention while wanting to eat.

"Hey Yu-" you started, but were cut off by Yumehara, "Not even a little?" "Small procent of interest" that peaked your interest. 'So there is someone she likes, even if that's a small procent of interest.

"Shut up," you still felt bad for the girl, but now you were slightly interested. "Oh, okay," Yumehara said finally giving up, at least you thought.

"You can tell me," she said with a creepy face. "Let it go, Chiyo," Teruhashi said while Mera was still eating like her life depended on it.

"I mean, who doesn't have someone they like?" "A lot of people" she wasn't giving up and you were getting tired of it, "That's a lot like Saiki too."

"That's not true. There are a lot of people like that," Teruhashi said, "Then what about you, Kokomi? Any progress?" she asked, causing Teruhashi to slightly blush.

"Well, we did spend Christmas together," she said not knowing how it came out. "What?!" Yumehara yelled in surprise, "Why am i only hearing this now?! Were you alone? Did you do it? Did you tell him?"

"No, we were with everyone!" Teruhashj said embarrassed, "Oh, just a Christmas party," Yumehara slightly calmed down.

You zoned out as Yumehara was yelling about someone named Kaido and Mera was yelling about cake. You zoned back in when Yumehara said, "As a punishment, you have to pretend Kuriko is Saiki and confess your feelings."

Your eyes widened. 'They were using Kuriko for this? This is too far she is just trying to enjoy her food!'

"Yumehara i do-" you were cut off once again, "For practice. Kuriko has a similar vibe to Saiki, so she'll be perfect practice on." 'I swear to god if Yumehara doesn't stop interrupting me like that, she won't pass the vibe check.'

"Come on!" Teruhashi started her 'practicing', "Kuriko.." "You mean Saiki!" "Saiki, you know, there's something i need to tell you," you cut her off mumbling quietly "I don't think this is a good idea."

You were ignored once again, "Saiki, I-" she was cut off by Kuriko slamming her hands on the table. 'Thank goodness she stopped it. That was way too uncomfortable.'

"Huh? Kuriko?" Yumehara said as Kuriko got up to leave, but accidentally pushed her bag forward, causing it to fall and have a few textbooks come out of it.

"I'll pick that up for you," Teruhashi said as she leaned down to pick up the bag, "Wait this textbook is year two," Teruhashi then gasped, causing Yumehara to look, "What is it?" "What does this mean? Why do you have Saiki's belongins?"

That certainly had you interested. "Could it be that you're," Teruhashi started only for Yumehara to continue, "It must be. No wonder they're so similar." "Are you actually," "Saiki's sister?" "No" they asked in unison.

'Hm, if she's not his sister then i wonder who she is,' you trailed off in your thoughts. "Oh yes, that's it," Kuriko said, causing you to be extremely confused.

'Is she lying? Were my powers wrong? What is happening?!'

- - -

The little girl date ended with all the girls finally going home. You were now going home with Kuriko, because you lived in the same direction.

Saiki was now extremely interested in you and what was going on inside your head. He had heard you talking about powers and even heard your subconscious answering questions with accurate answers.

Except for one. He knew he didn't like anyone, so he was confused as to why your powers had said that he was slightly interested in someone.

He wanted to ask more, but he knew that he would sound suspicious asking if she had powers, because how would he know? He would then have to confess to having powers and he didn't want that.

You on the other hand didn't know wether to blame your powers or Kuriko for lying, because you didn't know the truth. For know you could only trust your powers and hope for the best since the never lied to you.

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