28 : Akward

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omg Kaido's little brother is so precious and Saiki is just 💗💖💓❤️

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It was currently the Monday after the weekends events. You were at school. You and Kusuo were trying your hardest to not think about what had happened and you ignored each other.

Everytime you looked at him, you got all flustered causing you thoughts to go wild. Knowing he could read your thoughts only embarrassed you more.

Mikoto noticed this weird tension between you and Kusuo. She had already texted Harumi. They both were planning to ask you what was going on.

The bell rung, announcing that the class had ended. You put everything in your schoolbag and stood near Mikoto's desk. Some students were asking her to predict something, but she politely declined.

Mikoto put everything in her bag and stood up, walking towards you. You both walked out of the classroom to find Harumi already standing there. "How did you get here so fast?" you asked her. "I'm just really fast, y'know," she shrugged her shoulders and smirked, walking towards you and Mikoto.

The three of you walked down the stairs to your lockers and changed your shoes. You all walked out of the school and talked about random, fun, wild teen things that teens talk about.

Harumi and Mikoto exchanged glances at each other, trying to communicate. It looked like they sucked at communicating, since they both looked very confused. Mikoto pinched the brige of her nose, sighed and turned to you.

"So what's going on between you and Saiki?" "We're just teenagers who fell in love ;)" you stopped in your tracks and turned to Mikoto with an akward smile. "Haha, what do you mean?" you nervously laughed and scratched the back of your neck.

"Did you guys kiss or something?" "Sadly no :'(" Harumi asked. Your eyes widened and you completely froze. You brought your hands up to your face, trying to hide yourself. Sadly, you didn't succeed.

"Wait, you actually kissed?!" "No :((" they both yelled in unison. You brought your hands down from your face. "No we didn't, well, we almost did," you said the last quietly, but they both heard you. "Almost?!!" they both yelled again in unison, louder this time.

"Can you quiet down?!" you whisper-shouted at them, embarrassed because there were multiple people walking by and giving you three weird looks. "Okay, okay sorry. Now please explain," Harumi said calming down.

They both had their arms crossed and looked intimidating. Especially Harumi, since she was much taller than you. "Okay so long story short..." you explained the whole situation to them looking down at the ground. Once you had finished, you looked up at them and saw that they both were smirking.

"What?" you asked somehow confused. "Girl please, he's totally into you," Mikoto said, her smirk getting wider. "What? I mean, yeah, i also thought that, but what if he actually doesn't like me and he th-" you for some dumb reason started disagreeing, but Harumi interrupted you.

"Do you want me to beat the common sense into you?" "Sorry miss, but you're not Kusuo" Harumi threatened, putting her hand on your shoulder. Shivers slightly ran down your spine. "No thanks," you declined, putting your hands up in defense. She took her hand away and smiled, "Good."

"Soo, when's the wedding?" "6 years 4 months and 20 days" Mikoto asked playfully, but you didn't expect to get such a specific answer from your subconscious. You started blushing because of the thought that you will marry Kusuo one day.

"Why are you blushing?" "Saiki Kusuo duuhh" Harumi asked, pointing a finger at your face. You were going to tell her, but remembered that Mikoto didn't know about your powers yet.

"She doesn't know," you said to Harumi. Harumi looked confused. She looked at Mikoto then back at you, then she understood. "Ohhh, about your powers. Sorry, i already told her lol" she said, throwing a peace sign up at the end. "Harumi!" you yelled at her, shaking her by the shoulders.

"Stop! I-i'm sorry!" she said, peeling your arms from her shoulders. You glared at her and she put her hands up in defense. "So are you going to keep staring at me or are you going to tell me why you were blushing?" "Do not pressure me" she grinned lazily at you.

You rolled your eyes and sighed. "My subconscious said that my wedding was going to after six years and something," you told them, secretly already planning out your wedding. Both of them looked really surpised. "Yes! Woo!" Harumi was the first to sag something, well, more like yell something.

They then started thinking of ways to get you and Kusuo to talk to each other and planning of ways to get Kusuo to finally accept his feelings for you right in front of you. "I am literally here," you said, pointing at yourself.

"Shut up, this doesn't involve you," Harumi said, but then quickly realized her mistake, "Oh wait it does involve you." You were dumbfounded on how she could be this stupid at times.

"We'll discuss this further some other time, i have to get to work," Mikoto said, hugging Harumi. "Okay, have fun!" Harumi hugged back. "Thanks you too," Mikoto said after pulling back from the hug, she then turned to you and waved, "Bye!" You waved back at her.

You and Harumi started walking in a different direction. "Talk about a happy couple. Show offs," you said sarcastically and Harumi laughed. "That could be you and Saiki one day," she said, smirking and looking down at you. You looked down and smiled, thinking about how you and Kusuo could be really happy together like that.

"Anyway, wanna go to your place and watch some anime?" "Absolutely" Harumi suggested, already knowing the answer. "Of course," you grinned at her.

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so this was slightly shorter than my usual chapters because i couldn't think of anything else to write. im sorry!!

hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

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