32 : The date

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Today was the day. The day you went on a date. A date with a guy you really liked. A date with Saiki Kusuo. 'HOLY SHIT A DATE WITH KUSUO,' you thought as you sprung awake.

You started freaking out. You thought you were already late. You struggled to get out of bed, falling off in the process. You fell right on your face. "Shit, this hurts," you murmured getting up and rubbing your face.

You then remembered the date. You were now fully awake. You grabbed your phone to check the time, hoping and praying that you weren't going to be late. 2 PM. Ok, so you weren't late, but you still had an hour to get ready and in your opinion, it wasn't enough time to get ready for your date with fucking Saiki Kusuo.

As if someone up above had heard your worries and desperate cries, you heard a familiar voice greeting your mom downstairs. Then after a bit of time, your bedroom door opened and revealed your savior, Harumi.

"Thank god you're here!" you sprung up to hug her. She accepted the hug, but at the same time she looked at your clothes. "Wait, you only just woke up!" she backed out of the hug and held your arms. You nodded your head and she sighed.

"Ok, go shower and brush your teeth. I'll pick out an outfit for your date," she told you and pushed you to the direction of the bathroom. "Thank you. I really appreciate you," you said before entering the bathroom. "Yeah, yeah. I know i'm amazing. Now hurry up," she joked and closed the door, so you wouldn't waste anymore time.

You quickly jumped in the shower and showered as fast as you could. You thought this was the fastest you had ever showered in your life. You then quickly hopped out and brushed your teeth.

After everything in the bathroom, you walked back in your room and saw that Harumi sat on your bed with clothes right next to her. She looked up from her phone. "That was really fast, what the fuck?" "Don't ask, man" she questioned.

"I'm speedruning this shit," you told her and she laughed. You blow-dried your hair, while Harumi would yell out 'speedrun' once in a while. After your hair was dry, she tossed all the clothes to you and pushed you in the bathroom. "C'mon, speedrun!" she yelled while she quickly closed the door, so you could have privacy.

You inspected the pieces of clothing and then quickly put them on. It was a simple, yet cute outfit. There was pink, so it matched Kusuo's hair.

again, if you don't like anything about this, feel free to change it <3

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again, if you don't like anything about this, feel free to change it <3

You walked out and Harumi squealed out of excitement. "Holy shit. You look amazing!" she complinted you. You smiled widely and a little blush settled on your cheeks. "Thank you," you said and hugged her again.

"Of course," she hugged back and rubbed circles on your back. "Okay, so i'm gonna do your make-up and then you'll be on your way," she backed out of the hug and smiled at you.

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