2 : Haha, poor!

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The bell rang, and it was time for lunch. You werw excited, because your mom made you (f/f) for lunch. You grabbed it out of your bag and set it in front of you to start eating.

As you almost started eating, you heard heavy breathing from next to me. You turned your head and saw that that Mera girl was looking at the food drooling.

'Does she want it? But i want to eat also, it's (f/f). My mom doesn't make it often,' then you looked at Mera's desk and saw that she didn't have anything.

"Do you have something to eat?" you asked, "No, my family is too poor, i couldn't afford lunch today," she replied while still looking at your food.

You felt your heart shatter at those words, while also thinking of that one meme 'Haha, poor!'

"Would you like some?" you asked her. "Oh no, i can't!" she said while drooling. "I insist!" you weren't going to let the girl starve. You gave her some of your food.

"Thank you!! You are my hero!" she said a little too loud and now a few people were looking at you two. "You're welcome," you muttered feeling anxious that people were now looking at you.

That kind act also caught the attention of a certain pink haired boy, but he then ignored the two girls and focused on his lunch.

- - -

You spent the lunch talking to Mera. You learned that she also loves food like you. Maybe she likes it a little too much.

"Say (l/n), why did you transfer to this school?" "Parents" she asked. "Oh, it was because of my parents, they found better jobs and a nice house near the school," you answered.

"Boring," she said confusing you. "E-eh? What does that mean?" "It means that your answer was boring. I thought it was going to be something drama related." "Oh," you said looking down, "I mean i can't change the story into something epic, but i guess you are right."


The bell rang signaling that class is starting. You stopped your conversation with Mera to focus on the teacher, because you didn't want to miss anyrhing on your first day.

"Today we are going to be working on a project in groups of three that i have assigned," the teacher said making you nervous.

'What if i'm put in a group with someone i don't know? The only person i know is Mera. Please god please god please god please god let me be in a group with Mera,' you were rambling in your thoughts annoying a certain psychic.

You were still begging for god when the teacher was picking out names. She grabbed 'Nendo' and 'Kaido'. As she was picking out the third name, the psyichic was interested in who was going to be with them. He also didn't want to be with them, so he was going to make the teacher not pick his name.

He saw that she picked up your name. For some reason he didn't want it to be you. Whether it was the fact that you were begging really hard and he thought that you were going to be more of a problem if you didn't stop, or he understood you not wanting attention, and boy do those two bring a lot of attention.

Either way he quickly switched your name with on of the other three people's names that were in the box.

"Teruhashi," the teacher said and you swear you could see her smile falter for a split second.

You hadn't noticed that everyone was already in groups except three people until the teacher said, "That leaves us with Saiki, Mera and (l/n) in a group."

You thanked god for the fact that Mera was in your group, but you didn't know who Saiki was.

"Now get your groups together and start thinking on how you can make this project. It is due next monday. Good luck!"

You turned to Mera and asked her, "Who is Saiki?" She looked at you and then looked forward while pointing to someone, "Oh, that's him, we should call him over so we can start talking about the project."

You looked over to who she was pointing at and saw a guy with pink hair, green glasses and something on his head. 'Damn he kinda looks fresh doe with those glasses,' you thought as he startes to turn your way.

"Saiki! Come here so we can talk," Mera said and he started getting up and start walking towards you.

For some reason you brain short circuited and all you could think about was, 'oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit he do be walking doe.'

When he got to yours and Mera's desks, he stood there silent, not wanting to start the conversation.

You panicked because Mera was also doing nothing to start the conversation. She was staring off into space probably thinking about food.

You knew that you needed to start the conversation. But you didn't know how. You sat there in akward silence. Your palms were sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy (there's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti. I'm sorry)

"S-so.. uhh.. you like jazz?" you asked and when you looked up his face was stone cold. Your own face now was red out of embarrassment.

'Fuck, i'm dumb, why did i say that? Not everyone understands it you dumb fuck!' you were now wondering how to start the conversation and decided that introducing yourself was the best option.

"U-uhm anyways. Let's start over. My name is (l/n) (y/n). What is yours?" you asked him and now you were proud that you only stuttered once.

"Saiki Kusuo"

- - -

okay, that was the second chapter. thoughts?

thanks for reading and don't forget to vote.

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