12 : Torture

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You were walking to school with a new goal in mind.

You were going to ask Saiki to watch some vines with you after school.

'That won't be easy though,' you thought. 'What if he says no? He will probably say no.'

You were now at the school gates, still thinking of ways to get Saiki ti watch vines. 'Maybe i'll bribe him. That's it! I will bribe him with coffee jelly!'

You had a proud smile on your face as you were walking to class. You wiped that smile off your face when people started to look at you.

'I probably looked like some psyco smiling like that,' you walked to your seat. 'There's still some time before class starts. Maybe i can ask him now.'

'Okay, lesgo!' you hyped yourself up as you walked to Saiki. "Good morning," you greeted him. He nodded in response.

"I was w-wondering if you wanted t-to watch some vines after school," you asked him. "No thank you," he responded.

'I knew it,' you smirked. "I will buy you a lot of coffee jelly if you come," when you said that, he immediately responded, "Okay."

'Wait, that's it? That was easier than i thought it would be,' you panicked because you didn't expect him to respond so quickly.

'Wait, where will we watch it?' you were asking yourself. "Your house?" "Okay" he asked as if reading your mind.

"O-okay, sure. Let's meet at the school gates after school ends?" he nodded in response. "Okay, seeya!" you walked back to your seat, smiling happily.

'I did it! Yeah! Look at me, bitch! I'm going to hang out with Saiki after school!' you were proud of yourself. The teacher soon walked in as the bell rang and started the lesson.

- - -

After school ended, you sprinted to the school gates to make sure Saiki didn't gey away.

'Good grief, i guess i have no choice,' Saiki thought walking out of school. You saw him and waved at him.

You started walking to your house together. "Don't forget about the coffee jelly," Saiki reminded you. 'Shit, i forgot.'

"Y-yeah, of course," you smiled sheepishly. 'Guess i have no choice,' you pointed at a store. "Let's buy some coffe jelly," Saiki smiled and nodded.

- - -

You walked into your house about to announce that you're home, when you heard yelling. 'Oh no. I thought dad was still at work.'

"You're never home!" "Well, i'm sorry that i'm working twice as hard to oay our bills, because your job doesn't pay well!" you decided not to listen to them.

'Shit, Saiki's with me,' you turned to him. "I-i'm sorry," you muttered quietly. "It's fine," he reassured you.

'What should i do? Should i stop their yelling, leave with Saiki or quietly walk upstairs to my room with Saiki,' you were wondering what to do.

Saiki had enough and decided to take matters in his own hands. 'Good grief. They're fighting as if it doesn't affect (y/n).'

For some reason Saiki felt a teeny, tiny pain in his heart seeing you hurting like this.

"I love you!" you heard both of your parents yell. 'What? How? What happened?' you didn't understand what happened.

'They are like my parents were a while ago. Good thing they still love each other,' Saiki was narrating for himself.

You slowly and quietly walked to the living room to see what was happening. When you walked in you saw your parents hugging each other.

'They made up? How?' you wondered. "Oh, (n/n). When did you return?" "A while ago" your mom noticed your presence and asked.

"Just now," you lied. Your mom then noticed Saiki standing behind you. "Oh? Who's this?" "Saiki Kusuo" your mom walked closer to him. "Is he your boyfriend!?" "No" she exclaimed.

"No! Mom stop! He's my friend, Saiki," you introduced him while blushing slightly, because of what your mom said.

"Oh, yeah. Just a friend," she winked at you. "Stop!" you turned your face away, so she couldn't see how red you were.

"Well, what is your business here with my daughter?" "Vines" your dad finally entered the conversation.

"We're just going to hang out in my room," you tried stopping him from intimidating Saiki. Your dad gave you both a skeptical look.

You couldn't take it anymore, so you just grabbed Saiki by the wrist and dragged him to your room.

You closed the door. "This is my room," you turned to him, still holding his wrist. He looked down at your hands and so did you.

Then you noticed that you hadn't let go. You quickly let go of him and started apologizing, "I-i'm so sorry! I'm sorry!' "It's fine," Saiki reassured you again.

After you calmed down, you told him to sit down on your bed. You grabbed your computer and sat next to him, turning on the computer.

You went to youtube and wrote in 'Vine compilation' and pressed enter. You clicked on the top result and started watching.

- - -

After multiple different compilations you saw that Saiki didn't have any kind of reaction, so you decided to put on the best compilation, replaying it over and over again.

It was now about the 20th time you had watched the video. You clicked the space bar and looked at Saiki.

He looked like he would explode. 'He's showing emotion, lesgo!' you stood up and walked over to a bag and pulled out some coffee jelly.

"Here's your reward," you smiled innocently at him. He glared at you, but took the coffee jelly. "Hey, it wasn't that bad, was it?"

"That was torture. That should be illegal to do," you laughed. "Well, now at least you know what vine is," you sat next to him and started eating coffee jelly.

"It wasn't worth it," he responded while slightly pouting. "Aww, look at you showing emotion. It's cute," you ruffled his hair. He turned away from you.

'Wait, what the fuck did i just say and do? I'm a dumb bitch,' you scolded yourself as you looked at Saiki's back, blushing bright red.

'Good grief. I should stop this soon or it will escalate,' Saiki thought while blushing slightly, because of your previous actions.

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