8 : Clothes

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You woke up to your alarm ringing. You groaned as you turned it off. 'Why do i have to wake up?'

You walked to the bathroom and did your daily morning routine. You then put on your school uniform and went downstairs.

"Good morning. You're up early today. I didn't even need to go wake you up," your mom laughed. "Uh huh, morning," you muttered still feeling tired.

You noticed that dad wasn't here. "Where's dad?" "He had to go in early for work today," your mom said looking a bit dissappointed.

You noticed that and decided to change the topic. "The kitchen smells delicious. What's for breakfest?" you breathed in the air.

"Some eggs with bacon," your mom replied still not smiling. You frowned a bit at her before deciding to cheer her up.

"Yay! Delicious! I love you, mom. You always make the best food," you pulled your mom into a hug and she chuckled.

"I love you too, now eat up," she said ruffling your hair. 'Mission accomplished,' you smiled to yourself and went to sit down.

- - -

You were about to go out of the door when your mom started yelling.

"Wait! You forgot the coffee jelly for your friends!" she came running to you.

"Thanks, mom! You're a lifesaver, you're the best mom ever!" she laughed. "Yeah, yeah. You know, you need to introduce me to your friends."

"I will one day, i promise. I'll get going now, bye!" you walked out the door. "Bye, have a good day!"

As you closed the door you saw some pink hair. 'Saiki?' you quickly walked to your gate, opened it and closed it.

"Wait, Saiki! Wait for me," you were now running after him. 'Dammit, he's so fast. Did he even hear me? I just want to give him the coffee jelly.'

He suddenly stopped and turned around, now waiting for you. You caught up to him.

"Good morning," you said now rummaging through your bag. "Morning," he replied sounding bored as always.

You finally found what you were looking for and took it out, handing it to Saiki. "Here, i noticed that your sister liked sweets, so i wondered if you did too. I hope you do, because my mom mad-"

Before you could finish talking, he happily took the coffee jelly out of your hands and started eating it.

While he was eating it, he looked really happy. 'Cute. I guess he really does like sweets.'

You started walking to school while Saiki was next to you happily eating coffee jelly. 'I guess she's not as bad. If she's going to keep giving me coffee jelly, i won't mind,' Saiki thought.

- - -

It was now lunch. You took two coffee jellies out of your bag and handed one to Chisato. "Oh, thank you, (y/n)! You really are the best human being ever."

"Hehe, thanks," you said while nervously rubbing the back of your neck. 'I can't get used to her giving me these compliments.'

- - -

You were now walking to a clothing store. School had ended. You already walked home, changed into some black jeans and a (f/c) hoodie.

You walked in and started browsing trough the clothes. 'Everything here is so bland, i can't choose anything for myself. I honestly need someone else to do it for me.'

"It's Saiki!" "Hey, pal!" you suddenly heard people yelling. 'Saiki?' you turned around and saw Nendo and Kaido walking towards Saiki.

'I guess i'll join them. It's not like i'm doing anything productive by standing around. Maybe they can even help me pick out clothes,' you walked up to them and could tell Saiki wasn't happy.

You interrupted their talking, "Hey guys!" "Oh? Hey (l/n)!" Nendo yelled. 'Of course he's yelling.'

"Hey, (l/n). I need some help picking out outfits, can you help?" Kaido asked. "Sure," you replied thinking it was going to be fun.

Kaido was already in the changing rooms. "This is the first outfit!" he pulled open the curtains and he was wearing a white hoodie with a green-ish long coat.

"This is the second outfit!" he opened the curtain and he was wearing the exact same thing. 'It's the same,' you thought.

"Hey pal, (l/n). Take a look at mine, too," Nendo said, "As you can see, this moron has no fashion sense."

'That was a bit rude, poor Kaido,' you looked at Kaido, who was angry. "What?" he yelled. "So, why ask me, anyway? " "They're dumb and hopeless" Saiki asked.

"This is the first one," Nendo was wearing a tiger jumper, that looked kinda horrendous. 'That's quite ugly,' you thought to yourself.

"This is the other one," Nendo was now wearing a pink mesh top with a bra underneath. You almost choked trying to hold your laugh in.

"They both suck," Kaido said and you  couldn't help but agree. Then Kaido and Nendo started arguing. They walked into their changing rooms, both angry.

"Oh, Saiki?" you turned around and saw Teruhashi. Both boys poked their heads out of the changing rooms while blushing.

"Teruhashi!" Kaido yelled and now he was wearing some extreme outfit. "Fancy seeing you here, Teruhashi!" Nendo also was wearing some weird suit.

'I can't help but feel sad, they didn't act that way around me,' you frowned and looked at the ground feeling bad about yourself.

You zoned out and didn't hear what they were saying anymore. 'Dammit, why am i acting like this! I am beautiful in my own way, i just need to be confident!' you declared and zoned back in.

"That's right! How about you try on some outfits that we pick out?" "What about me" Nendo asked Teruhashi and you felt left out.

'They didn't even ask me that. What am i even doing here, i should go home. Guess i'll buy clothes some other time,' you were ready to head out of the store when Saiki stopped you.

"I will pick some clothes out for you," Saiki said and that immediately lifted your mood. "Thank you," you said while blushing a little.

'At least he somewhat cares about me,' you thought to yourself. You also got a chill run down your spine and felt someone looking intensly at you.

You turned around and saw Teruhashi mad. When she saw you looking at her she immediately went back to smiling. 'Oh, right. She likes Saiki.'

The outfits were ready and you felt a bit excited at what Saiki had picked out. You brushed the feeling off and went in to get changed.

Saiki had picked out a hot pink hoodie, a black coat that went down to your knees and nice looking brown pants. You honestly liked it a bit.

You walked out saw that Nendo and Kaido were focusing on Teruhashi wearing some kind of pirate costume. But Saiki was looking at you.

You blushed and looked away. Saiki was happy that you did because he was also slightly blushing.

You decided to buy the outfit and were going to walk out of the store, because Nendo, Kaido and Teruhashi even forgot you were there, when you also saw Saiki walking out.

"Saiki!" you called out to him and he looked over at you and stopped walking. You walked up to him, "Want to walk home together?" "Sure," he answered.

'I can't get used to him talking, but he should do it more,' you were walking together.

"Hey, i think if we really try, we can finish the project tomorrow. I did some stuff on my own," you told him. "I also did some research," he answered.

"Perfect," he stopped and you saw that you were at your house again. "Thanks for walking me. See you tomorrow!" you said walking towards your gate.

"See you," he answered and you felt happy. 'I hope he knows how happy i am. He really made me feel special today.'

Saiki, on the other hand, was trying to convince himself that what he did for you was because of the coffee jelly you gave him.

He thought that he was succeeding in convincing himself, but he actually wasn't.

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