16 : Sick

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Harumi had walked you home. You went to your room, took a shower, brushed your teeth and collapsed on your bed.

You were feeling very tired, so you immediately fell asleep. You were asleep and were dreaming about something you definitely will forget after you wake up.

Everything was going great, until you suddenly woke up with a need to throw up again. You sprinted to the bathroom with inhumane speed.

You hunched over the toilet, wishing there was someone to hold your hair. It was the middle of the night, so your parents were probably asleep.

You let it all out and walked downstairs to the kitchen for some medicine. You were rummaging trough the cabinets, when you heard soft footsteps behind you.

"(Y/n)?-" your mom was interrupted by a yawn, "What are you doing up at this hour?" "Threw up" she asked with half-lidded eyes, as if she could fall asleep at any moment.

"I, uhm," you were thinking of a way to explain and settled on blurting out the truth, "I threw up." The look on your mom's face turned from tired to worried.

"Are you okay?" "Not really" she asked as she rushed to you. "Well considering i just threw up, no, not really," you answered with a small smirk and your mom gave you a look, as if to tell you that this wasn't the time to joke around.

"Well, are you feeling better?" "No" she asked and started searching for the medicine and immediately found it. 'How did she find that immediately? I wanna be a mom to just have those superpowers,' you thought to yourself.

"No, it's getting worse by the second. I'm starting to get a headache and feel hot," you answered her question and she looked even more worried. She poured warm water in a cup and handed it to you with medicine.

As you were drinking the water she put her hand on your forehead. "Jesus, you're burning up. You need to get rest, i'm going to call the school in the morning and tell them that you're sick," she took your finished cup and filled it up again.

She also took some more medication and led you to your bedroom. She put everything on your bedside table and tucked you in bed. She kissed your forehead and walked out of the room, whispering, "Sleep tight."

- - -

The teacher had asked Saiki to deliver some important paper to your house. Others were curious and worried hearing the news that you were sick, so they joined.

'Good grief. Why is it always me?' Saiki sighed, as he walked to your house with multiple people around him. He was walking behind the group of people, not wanting to be there.

Harumi was chatting with Teruhashi and Chiyo in the front of the group. Nendo and Kaido were arguing about something behind them, while Kuboyasu joined in once in a while. Chisato couldn't make it since she had work, but she sent her regards and promised to work extra hard to make you proud.

You were in your kitchen, looking for food and looking like a mess, considering you woke up not too long ago. You were in your cat pyjamas and your hair was a huge mess.

You heard a knock on the door and closed the fridge. You walked over to the door and opened it, 'Who in the hell dares to make an appearance?'

You were surprised when you saw a group of people consisting of your classmates and Harumi. You blushed out of embarrassment, feeling like an idiot in your pyjamas.

"Nice pyjamas," Harumi teased with a smirk, that you wanted to wipe off of her face. "Shut up," you told her, before focusing on the entire group, "Uhm, w-what are you all d-doing here?"

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