19 : Stranded

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You saw that everyone was laying in the sand passed out. Everyone except Saiki. Before you could even question why he was sitting there, you heard Kaido scream.

'When did he wake up?' you wondered to yourself, because moments ago, he was still asleep. Everyone woke up, because of Kaido's scream.

Everyone gathered in a circle to discuss what happened. "Here's what happened," Kuboyasu started explaining, "The ship went down, and we drifted to this deserted island. Let's just wait until help comes." "Okay," multiple people agreed, including you.

"No, that's too vague," Kaido said as he stood up, "There is no time for that! We're stranded on a deserted island!" You knew he was going to go on, spewing nonsense, so you already zoned out from the conversation.

You looked at the water and the shoreline. It was beautiful. 'I bet it's even more beautiful and calming at night,' you now had made a promise to wake up at night, when everyone else was sleeping to listen to the waves.

You looked behind you and into the forest. You wanted to go explore, but you were too much of a pussy to do it. 'Maybe if i'm really bored,' you thought to yourself.

You weren't really worried about no one not finding you, since you were with the rich kid, Saiko. He was really important, and everyone was probably already looking for him.

You also had Kokomi. From what you could tell, God liked her and was on her side. You were pretty confident that you all were going to be okay, but you had a small gut feeling. You thought nothing of it and brushed it off.

- - -

'I'm bored,' after a few hours, you already were beyond bored. You didn't even care anymore, you were going to explore that forest. Sitting and doing nothing was killing you.

"Im going to explore the island," you announced to everyone as you stood up. Everyone's attention was on you. "Are you sure? You could get lost," "I am sure that i want to explore" Kaido was the first to speak up. He was worried and you found it a bit cute.

"I'm sure," you said, giving him a smile. "Want me to come with?" "No" Kuboyasu asked, also worried. 'Why is everyone worrying about me?' you were a bit annoyed, but thankful. "I'll be fine, see you later," you quickly walked off, before anyone else could say anything.

- - -

'Shit. I'm lost, aren't i?' you were lost. You were walking around aimlessly, trying to find the way back, but you couldn't. You weren't even sure if getting lost was worth it, since you found nothing, but trees, bushes, grass, bugs and more trees.

It was getting really dark, so you were getting worried. 'What if i don't find my way back? What if it gets dark and i can't see? What if they were already found? What if they're not even looking for me? What if they don't even care?' you were breathing heavily and walking really fast. That walking turned into running around, trying to find the way out.

'How did i even get lost? This is as big as the school yard,' you were about to give up and fall to your knees. You were really tired, but you told yourself that you will get out, since the island isn't that big. Tears were brimming at the corner of your eyes. You were about to start sobbing.

Your vision got blurry from all of the tears brimming your eyes, about to burst. You barely even saw where you were running. You were about to collapse from all the running. 'I am not an athletic person at all.'

You stopped to catch your breath, you didn't know how long you were running around for. You looked up to see your surroundings, only to see the most beautiful place you have ever seen.

There was a small pond and in the waters reflection was the moon, that was already shining. The trees were different. There were fireflies flying around. It was as if this wasn't even on the same island.

The beautiful scenery calmed you down a bit. You walked up to the small pond and crouched to stick your hand in the water. It was warm and nice. You decided to sit on the grass, that was somehow really soft. Everything about this place calmed you down, and before you knew it, you were dozing off.

- - -

You woke up and looked at your surroundings. You were back at the beach. Everyone was there. You sat up and looked at everyone, feeling relief wash over your body.

"How did i get here?" you wondered out loud, and it caught Kaido's attention. "Oh, (L/n). You're finally awake," he said and now everyone noticed, that you were awake.

"Uhm, h-how did i get here?" you asked, your memory was a bit blurry. You remember getting lost, panicking, running around and calming down. "After you didn't come back, we went looking for you. Saiki found you and brought you back," Kuboyasu answered your question.

"Oh okay," you said, not fully registering what he said. When you finally understood everything, you blushed. 'Saiki found me? And brought me back?! Yay,' you were trying not to smile, but could tell that was not working, since everyone that was around you, except Saiki, was looking at you weirdly.

You noticed that they were building something. "What are you building?" you asked to no one in particular. "We're building a raft. It was Nendo's idea," Chiyo answered and the last part left you shocked. 'Nendo thought of something smart?' you didn't think that was possible.

"I'm also going to help," you stood up. Chiyo, Kuboyasu and Kaido all looked panicked. "A-are you sure you're okay and that you can help?" "Yes" Kaido asked, worried, because you just woke up after being lost. "I'm fine, really," you assured him and started helping out.

- - -

When it got dark, you all called it a day. All of you, or so you thought, started walking off. You looked back one last time and you saw Saiki still standing there.

You were confused so you called out to him, "H-hey! Saiki! Are y-you coming!?" He visibly flinched and started walking towards you. 'I wonder what that was about,' you thought it was a bit suspicious, but you brushed it off.

When he got to where you were standing, you started walking side by side with him. In silence, of course. Your mind wasn't silent, you were freaking out about the fact, that you were with Saiki right now, alone, even though it wasn't a big deal. He was slightly annoyed by your thoughts, as always.

When you walked back to where everyone else had set up a campfire, you saw Saiko yelling at Kaido and Kuboyasu. It looked like they were trying to force him to eat.

Nendo joined the conversation with his ramen and eventually, Saiko gave in and ate ramen. Saiki started walking off in the direction of the beach. You decided to follow him.

He sat down and looked peaceful. 'What is he doing?' you were confused why he needed to sit down here. But then it clicked for you. It was probably, because he wanted some peace and quiet. 'I also want that.'

You sat down beside him and said nothing. You just listened to the waves, like you promised yourself to  do. The moon reflected in the water. The sky was full of stars. Something about this was familiar, but you couldn't remember what.

It was also very calming. You fell asleep. Right on Saiki's shoulder. He stiffened and blushed, when he felt your head fall on his shoulder. He noticed you were asleep.

"Good grief," he muttered, as he carefully got up, put you in a comfortable position and teleported back home to sleep, but not before admiring your sleeping face for a few seconds.

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