15 : Festival

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'Shitshitshitshitshit,' was the only thing you could think of, when you saw Saiki.

Harumi, being the good friend she was, decides to take you to a festival, to get your mind off of Saiki. You weren't expecting to see Saiki there.

"Hey, pst. Uhm, can we go a different way? Saiki's over there," you whispered and pointed to where Saiki was standing, looking at sweets, that were being displayed.

Harumi looked over to where Saiki was. She didn't want to go away. She wanted to walk right up to Saiki and slap him and tell him that he was missing out.

She grabbed your hand and started dragging you over to where Saiki was standing. "What are you doing? Stop!" you desperately tried to get your hand back from her grasp.

Before you knew it, you were next to him. "Hmmm. These look really good~," she pointed to some random sweets. "Have i already said how stunning you look tonight, (n/n)~," Harumi was trying to get the attention of Saiki.

It worked, since Saiki turned to look at you both. 'Why is she doing this?' you wondered. Saiki looked annoyed, like he had been interrupted.

"Oh? Heey~, didn't see you there~. Oh, someone's calling me, see you later," she ran off while giving you a thumbs up. You gave her a look of betrayal.

It took everything in Harumi not to cuss at Saiki and make a scene, so she decided to be your wing woman. She hoped she did the right thing, leaving you with Saiki.

You turned back to Saiki, who was focusing on the sweets again. You didn't want to start the conversation, so you also looked at the delicious and breathtaking sweets.

That was until you started to feel sick. 'Oh no. Please not right now,' you were starting to feel even worse. 'I need to get out of here and find a secluded area or a bathroom.'

Saiki took notice of your thoughts. "Are you okay?" "No" he asked and you shook your head. You could feel it coming.

Saiki grabbed your wrist and led you to the back of the sweets booth. That's when it finally came. The disgusting feeling of throwing up, along with vomit.

Saiki held your hair. It was the least he could do right now. 'Did i get food poisoning or something?' you thought to yourself.

You had eaten a lot. You couldn't hold back from buying the delicious looking food.

Your throat was sore from vomiting. You had forgotten the feeling of throwing up. It's terrible. You had a little bit of vomit on your pants. 'Great, they were my favorite pants.'

You felt better. That awful feeling didn't linger in you anymore. You had gotten everything out. You turned to look at Saiki, who had stopped holding your hair. 'I probably look like a terrible mess. He probably hates me for ruining his festival.'

"Are you feeling better?" "Yes" he asked, even though he knew the answer by reading your thoughts. "Yeah," you muttered and looked at the ground.

"I'll be right back. Sit down," he said and ran off. After he found a place where no one would see him, he teleported home, to get some tissues and water, and some spare pants.

Luckily for you, there was a bench nearby, so you sat down and waited for Saiki to come back. You stank. You wanted to desperately take off your pants.

Saiki finally appeared. He took the tissues and cleaned up your mouth. He had to lean in a bit, so he could clean properly. Even though he was still not really close, you were freaking out.

He handed you the water, which you gratefully accepted. Lastly he handed you the spare pants. 'Where did he get these from? I mean i'm not complaining.'

He turned away, so you could change. You put them on and they were really comfortable sweatpants. You felt much better. You didn't even acknowledge that Saiki did this for you, he didn't want to acknowledge it either.

He sat back on the bench next to you. "I'm sorry if my rejection was too harsh," he apologized. 'I almost forgot i confessed my feelings to him.'

"N-no, it's fine," you assured him, even though it was not the full truth. You both sat in silence, listening to the crowds of people walk by.

'I'm surprised Rumi isn't looking for me,' you checked your phone, 'Nevermind, she is.' You had 6 messages from Harumi and one missed call.

rum-e a sports:
hey, where'd you go?
did you go off somewhere with Saiki?
are you ok?
you could at least let me know
if you went off with Saiki, then my plan worked😎
text me to let me know you're alright when you see this

You typed in a response and almost immediately got a response.

thicc queen:
hey im okay, well not really, i threw up behind the sweets booth were we last saw each other

rum-e a sports:
im coming im gonna be there soon

thicc queen:
ok, we're gonna be waiting

"Rumi is coming," you told Saiki. He nodded and looked away. You shivered, feeling colder after throwing up. You got goosebumps.

Saiki took notice of this, so he took off his sweater to give it to you. He didn't really need it, he had pyrokinesis. "Here, so you don't catch a cold."

You blushed and took the sweater. 'Holy shit, he's giving me his sweater. I am in heaven,' you thought as you put on his sweater. It was warm, comfortable and your (f/c).

"Just so you know, you're not getting this back," you told him, because this was now your favorite sweater in the whole world. His cheeks were a bit pink, so he used cryokinesis to cool down his cheeks.

Harumi saw the whole interaction. She also saw how Saiki blushed a tiny bit, she now understood that Saiki was lying to himself. She grinned evily.

"Hey, there you are," she ran up, pretending she didn't just see what she saw, "Say, who's sweatpants and sweater are those? You weren't wearing them before." "Saiki's"

"O-oh um. They're Saiki's," you muttered quietly. Harumi saw the water bottle sitting on the bench. "Do you need water? Maybe some tissues?" "No" she was trying to get the information out of you, even though she understood the situation.

"N-no, i'm fine. Saiki already got me water and tissues," you told her and she smirked. "It's so nice that you did this. You did this all for (n/n), right? Because you care for her?" "Yes"

When she put the words that way, you had no control over your cheeks, as they became red and even more red, when your subconscious answered.

"I couldn't just leave her here," he said, trying to find excuses in his head. "Yeah, sure~," Harumi smirked and teased, "Well, we're going to get going now. Thank you for taking care of (n/n) when i wasn't there."

She took your hand and started dragging you away. You waved at Saiki and he waved back. When you were a good distance away, Harumi decided to say something, "He totally likes you."

"What? No he doesn't. Why would he reject me then?" you asked, not understanding what she was thinking. "He's lying to himself. He probably doesn't even know he has feelings for you," she tried convincing you.

"I hope what you're saying is right," you said and she smirked. You ended the day earlier than expected, because of your little problem, behind the sweets booth.

- - -

i wrote this after throwing up👍

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