6 : Spirit animal

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You made your way to the classroom along with Chiyo. You took your seat next to Mera.

"Good morning!" she chimed.

"Morning!" you greeted her.


The teacher walked in and began her lesson.

You soon zoned out. You zoned back into reality to make sure you understood what was going on, only to zone out again.

'God, it's only the first lesson and i already can't wait for lunch. Am i related to Mera or something?'

Saiki was listening to your thoughts. He was thinking about you.

Not in a weird way!

He didn't want to get involved with you, because he wanted to be left alone, but at the same time he was intrigued by you and your normalness.

He also couldn't do anything with the fact he had to work on the project with you.

- - -

Time went by and it was lunch time! You got your lunch out from your bag, buy you also pulled another lunch box.

You remembered what Mera said yesterday, so you asked your mom to make two lunches. She asked why and you answered that it was for a friend. She left it at that.

You turned to Mera, handing her the lunch box. "Here, i remembered what you said yesterday, so i asked my mom to make a spare one."

She got on the floor and started yelling.

"Oh my god! Thank you! Thank you so much! You are so nice! Are you an angel?! Wait, no! Are you god? OH MY GOD! GOD IS A WOMAN AND YOU ARE THAT WOMAN!!"

"No" "Uhh, thanks? Can you please get up? People are staring."

"Oh, i'm sorry!," she quickly got up and started scoffing down her food.

You started to also eat your lunch. It was quiet until Mera spoke up.

"I'm going to start calling you by your first name, because of how nice you are to me," ypu looked at her and saw that she had already ate her food.

You smiled at her, "That's fine with me, i'm going to start calling you Chisato."

She smiled and gave you a thumbs up. You started talking for the rest of lunch.

'I would say Chisato is my spirit animal in some ways.'

- - -

Classes ended and you walked up to Saiki.

"Hey, Saiki!" you called out, "Are you ready to go work on the project? Mera said she couldn't make it today."

He nodded and you both started to walk towards the library in silence.

Your silence was interrupted by a tall guy with a butt-chin.

"Oh, hey pal! Want to go get ramen?" he asked Saiki, he didn't seem to notice you.

"I can't," he replied. "Huh?" the tall guy looked at you, "Oh, are you my pal's girlfriend?" "No"

You blushed slightly at that out of embarrassment. "No, she isn't."

"She's the new girl, you idiot," a blue-haired guy said, "they're probably going to work on the project, because they are in the same group."

You and Saiki nodded in confirmation.

"Oh right! You're the new girl! I'm Nendo."

"Nice to meet you, i'm (y/n)," you said now looking at the blue-haired boy.

"I'm the Jet-Black Wings, i'm going to rid the world of evil and destroy Dark Reunion!" he said bringing a hand to his face.

'He seems weird, and cute? I have a feeling that i must protect him. He has this baby vibe about him' i smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you, Jet-Black Wings, i hope i can be of help to your mission," he blushed a little at what you said.

"Do you want to go get ramen after you're done?" "Sure" Nendo suddenly spoke up.

"Sure, if you don't mind waiting about 30 minutes? Or earlier if we get tired."

"Of course! We'll wait for you!" Nendo said and walked off, leaving poor baby boy to run after him.

"H-hey, wait up you idiot!" he ran off, leaving you and Saiki.

- - -

You entered the library and found an empty table. You put all your stuff down and started thinking.

"We should probably start with the information. We should find books about Australia and write down the most important stuff."

Saiki nodded and was off. You also went off finding some books about Australia.

The project was to write about any country in the world. You three had already decided on Australia in class yesterday.

When you went back to your table you found Saiki already writing something.

You put the books down on the table, sat down on the chair, took out your headphones from your bag.

"Tell me to stop writing after 30 minutes, or earlier if you get tired or really bored," you said and put your headphones on.

He looked at you and nodded. 'He only nods, he barely speaks. Anyway vibe mode on!'

- - -

Thirty minutes went by and Saiki was now standing next to you poking your shoulder.

You looked at him and took your headphones off. "Hm?"

"30 minutes passed," he said a bit annoyed.

'Shit. I guess i was focusing too much on the music or writing if he had to come next to me and poke me!'

"Right," you got up and put all the books back and your notebook and headphones in your bag.

"So what's 'Jet-Black Wings's real name?" you asked Saiki, because you kinda didn't want to keep calling him that, it was quite a mouthful.

"Kaido," you nodded and pushed open the library doors to see Nendo and Kaido walking towards you.

"Hey! Let's go get ramen!" Nendo said cheerfully.

'Is ramen the only thing on his mind?'

You almost chuckled at your own thought, but you kept it in not wanting to make your classmates think of you as a weirdo.

"Yeah, let's go!" you responded cheerfully at Nendo's previous comment, because you were hungry.

The four of you walked out of school and started walking towards whatever ramen shop Nendo was leading you to.

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