30 : Thinking thoughts

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have yall seen the animation of saiki on tik tok by @ st4nkylegz_?? i sobbed so hard when i saw it, but maybe that's because im really sensitive lol. i recomend you go check it out

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Things had gotten much better between you and Kusuo. Maybe too good. Sometimes, he would agree to hang out with you, without you needing to bribe him with coffee jelly. Of course, it was only sometimes, since he wanted to be alone most of the time.

Sometimes your hands, knees or shoulders would accidentally touch and you both would try to not act akward. Both of you had gotten better at acting. Not like it helped you because Kusuo could still hear you swearing in your head.

When you tried to playfully flirt, he would either flirt back or just roll his eyes while saying good grief. The 1 out of 10 chance he flirted back, your heart would stop working for a few seconds. For those seconds you're sure you saw heaven.

Right now you were thinking of ways to ask Kusuo out on a date. Harumi and Mikoto were by your side also helping you. The problem was that most of their suggestions were terrible and you were convinced that if you tried them out, Kusuo would ignore you for the rest of your life.

"You're thinking too hard about this. Just buy him a box of coffee jelly and ask him out," Harumi said, she was tired and slightly mad that you wouldn't try out her suggestions. "A box?" you questioned, "That's not very romantic."

"Oh my god! Fine just get him a fancy and expensive coffee jelly or something!" Harumi knew that this idea of hers was good and much better than all other ideas. "I think that might be a good idea," you decided to tease her a little.

"You think!?" she was about to blow up and you started laughing, finding this very funny. Mikoto had to hold back Harumi a bit. "Calm down a bit, she's just teasing ya," Mikoto put her hand on Harumi's and gave her a smile.

"Now that that's settled, what do you guys want to do?" you asked, standing up and walking to your closet. "I want ice-cream," Harumi said, laying her head in Mikoto's lap. "Okay, then we're getting ice-cream," Mikoto ran her hands through Harumi's hair, causing Harumi to smile brightly.

You looked at them and smiled. You also felt a bit jealous, because you wanted Kusuo to run his hands through your hair while looking at you lovingly. 'Soon, (y/n). Hopefully,' you thought to yourself and turned to look at your closet.

Since it was the start of Spring, it was still slightly cold outside. You decided on a long white skirt and a (f/c) oversized sweater. You wore black stocking underneath. You accessorized the outfit to your liking.

Looking in the mirror, you decided not to put on makeup because that would take too long. "Alright, i'm done," you walked out of your bathroom to show off to Harumi and Mikoto. "Okay, damn," Harumi said looking at you.

"Why can't we just be in a throuple?" "Thanks for the offer, but i can't betray Kusuo" Mikoto asked playfully. "Saiki's in the way," Harumi answered the question while playfully rolling her eyes. You started laughing. "Okay, so are we going?" you asked after catching your breath.

"Yup! Let's goo," Harumi quickly stood up and rushed out of your bedroom door. You and Mikoto made eye contact and chuckled a bit at the girl who was acting like a small child. You both soon followed after Harumi.

Walking down the stairs you could see Harumi already standing next to the front door with her shoes on. "Could you hurry up? Smh," "Now that you said that, i don't wanna" she asked impatiently. Unlike you, Mikoto actually quickened her pase. 'Huge simp,' you thought.

While you were putting on your chonky black boots, both of them were waiting for you to hurry up. Knowing that, you slowed down even more. "If you don't hurry up, i'm going to beat the shit out of you," Harumi threatened. "Jesus, okay," you quickly finished putting on your boots and walked out the door.

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"I'll get a bubblegum flavored one, a chocolate one and a (f/f) one," Harumi  excitedly said to the cashier. "Alright, coming up," the cashier went to grab a cone and put the ice-cream in them. He came back and handed you three the ice-cream. "That'll be 750 yen."

Before you could even bring out your wallet, Mikoto interrupted. "It's fine, i'll pay. I have a lot of money because of my job anyway," she said and grabbed the needed money to give to the cashier. Even though you felt a bit guilty that she was wasting money on you, you also weren't going to complain because you were going to get free food.

"Have a nice day! Hope you come by again," the cashier said with a smile. "You two," Harumi and Mikoto both answered at the same time, but you just smiled awkwardly trying to be polite. His gaze lingered on you for a bit. 'Weird,' you thought, walking out of the store with Harumi and Mikoto by your side.

"Let's find a place to sit down," Harumi said, already enjoying her ice-cream, "Holy shit, this is so good." She looked delighted so you also tasted yours. It truly was delicious. It was very fucking good. You were definitely going back there to get more.

You soon found a place to sit down. It was in a nice little park and the view was very pretty. That's when you noticed something. "What the fuck?" you exclaimed while looking at Mikoto and Harumi who were enjoying their ice-cream. "What?" Harumi questioned, both of them looked really confused and a bit concerned.

"You both bite into your ice-cream?!" you pointed at them. Your teeth hurted just by looking at them. "Yeah. What are you, a little pussy who's teeth are too sensitive and can't bite into their ice-cream?" "You don't have to be mean about it :(" Harumi just started attacking you.

"Jesus christ. Nevermind," you quickly ended the conversation and continued to eat. Harumi had a satisfied grin on her face as she also continued eating. Mikoto looked at her girlfriend, a bit concerned about how quick her mood could change.

"What do think Kusuo would wear to our date if he said yes?" you randomly asked after some more time of silence. "Maid outfit is the only proper choice," Harumi immediately said, not even thinking too much about what to answer. "Agreed," Mikoto said, nodding her haid.

When you started thinking more about their answer, you felt your cheeks get warmer. "Wow. Thinking many thoughts. Head full," you said, looking off into space with a lazy smile. Mikoto and Harumi started laughing at the expression on your face.

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the story is slowly coming to an end:(

i love how it's been 30 chapters and they haven't even kissed yet. saiki's a fucking pussy🙄

also surprise half face reveal where you can only see my eye properly and my trashy eyeliner

also surprise half face reveal where you can only see my eye properly and my trashy eyeliner

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that's the most you're gonna get if i don't change my mind. also why do i kind of look like Marco from aot in that photo

hope you have an amazing rest of your day <3

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