7 : Ramen

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The four of you were now walking towards the ramen shop. You, Kaido and Nendo were walking in front, with Saiki lagging a bit behind.

You were having a conversation with Kaido and Nendo. You looked back and looked at Saiki, who looked like he wanted nothing to do with this.

'He seems like he hates this. Then i wonder why he agreed to this. Either way, i kinda feel bad for him. I get the vibe that he wants to be left alone. Honestly, i can respect that.'

You were snapped out of your thoughts by Nendo yelling, "We're here!"

You looked forward and saw a nice looking ramen shop. You walked in and it looked very cozy with nice decorations.

'Cute,' you looked at the work uniform. It was pink with some small ramen bowls on it.

You looked up at the workers face, 'Pretty.' The worker was indeed pretty. She had long black hair, but her bangs were died bright pink. She had big, gorgeous blue eyes.

Even Nendo and Kaido blushed a little, but they didn't say 'Oh!', she may be pretty, but Teruhashi was prettier.

You all sat down at your table and the girl from before came up to you. "Hi, what can i get you?" "Food" she asked with a big smile.

'She either really enjoys this job or she's really good at acting,' Nendo and Kaido once again blushed while Saiki remained stoic.

"We'll take four bowls of your special ramen that's in the magazine!" Nendo said while pointing at a magazine he had found.

She nodded, "Anything else?" "(f/b)" Nendo looked at us as if asking the same question.

"Can i please get (f/b)?" she nodded. No one else said anything, so she left with our orders.

"Kaido, why do wear that bandage around your arm?" you were a bit curious, so you asked.

"O-oh, it's because my true power is sealed within them!" he said enthusiastically.

"I see, so you're basically the most powerful being on earth, that's cool," he blushed a little at your statement.

"Y-yeah, i am! T-thanks!" he was still blushing. 'Aww, he really is a big baby.'

You looked over at Nendo, 'Now i'm not sure what he is. I haven't known him for long, but he seems like a giant idiot.'

"Here's your food," the waitress came back. 'That was fast. What is she? Sonic?'

"Thank you," you said and smiled at her, she smiled back. 'She seems so sweet, i seriously want to be friends with her.'

"Alright! Time to eat!" Nendo yelled as the waitress walked off. You cringed at how loud he was being.

- - -

You all had finished eating. The food was good. 'I'm definitely coming here again. And next time i'm going to try to befriend the waitress.'

You went out of the ramen shop and bumped into someone. "Oh, i'm sorry. I wasn't looking!" you looked up and saw someone with dark purple hair and fake glasses.

"Oh, Kuboyasu!" Nendo yelled and the guy looked at him. "Nendo, Kaido, Saiki, hey," he said and then he looked at you.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I'm Kuboyasu Aren. You're the new girl, right?" "Yes" he asked.

"Yeah, i am. My name is (l/n) (y/n)," you smiled at him. 'Damn, he kinda respectful. We stan.'

"Hey, we're heading home, would you like to join us?" "He can't" Kaido asked.

"I'm sorry, i can't. I'm still shopping," he replied. 'I swear to god, can he even be more respectful? How is he friends with Nendo? Well, that question goes for everyone.'

"Okay then, bye!" you all started walking off and soon Nendo and Kaido had to separate from you. Now it was just you and Saiki walking.

'I wonder what's going to be for dinner. Wait, i just ate and i'm already thinking about food! What is wrong with me,' you were lost in your thoughts.

Saiki was annoyed at the fact you were thinking so much, and most of your thoughts were about food. You were like Mera, but less extreme.

You were thinking about food when you remembered something. "Hey, Saiki. Can we put off the study session tomorrow? I have to go shopping for some clothing."

'How did i forget? I've been running out of clothes lately. My style can change drastically sometimes. I hope he understands.'

He looked at you and nodded,"Yeah, it's fine." You looked at him surprised, 'Wow, i almost forgot that he can speak. He should speak more often, he's got somewhat of a nice voice. That sounded kinda weird.'

"Forgot you could speak," you tried to make a joke, but he just stared at you. 'Jeez, well i tried,' you sighed, defeated, nothing could make him smile.

Then you remembered something, 'Wait, Kuriko liked sweets, and she's his sister, i think. So that means he must like sweets. Well, it's worth a try.'

Saiki suddenly stopped, so you also stopped. Then you noticed that you were at your house.

"Well, this is me, bye," you opened your gate and stayed walking inside, then you noticed something.

'Wait, how did he know this was my house? He stopped first,' you turned around to ask him, but before you could, he was already walking off.

'Strange.' You entered your house, "I'm home." "Hi sweetie, you're just in time! Dinner's ready, " her voice was coming from the kitchen.

"What did you make?" you walked in the kitchen and inhaled the smell. "Some soup," she turned around.

"Smells great. Hey, mom. Could you make some sweets? It's for my friends," she smiled.

"Of course, how about coffee jelly?" "Yes" she asked. "Sounds great." You both started eating the soup.

As you were eating, the front door opened and closed. "I'm home," your dad announced. "Welcome home, (f/n)," your mom said.

He walked in the kitchen, "Hey (y/n), how was your day?" "Good" he asked. "It was good. I went to a nice ramen shop, and i'm definitely going again," you replied as you stood up.

"Dinner was great, thanks, mom," you washed your plate and started walking upstairs. "Good night."

"Good night," your mom and dad replied. You closed your door and went to sit on your chair.

'Ugh, why does homework exist,' you put on your headphones and started doing homework.

- - -

After finishing your homework, you took a shower, brushed your teeth and changed into your (f/c) pyjamas.

You laid on your bed, looking at the ceiling again with your (e/c) eyes. It had become part of your routine.

You were thinking about your day, when Saiki showed up in your thoughts.

'I'm going to make him smile tomorrow. I hope he likes coffee jelly,' you made yourself a promise.

'I wonder what his smile looks like,' you fell asleep thinking about Saiki. Not in a weird way!

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