29 : Helping

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hey, so im sorry for not writing a chapter last week, i just couldn't think of anything and i was just really lazy

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A week had already passed since the incident between you and Kusuo. Both of you were still trying to ignore each other, but sometimes, because of your mutual friends, you had to interact with him and it was always akward.

Mikoto and Harumi were also trying out their plans. They failed every time because Kusuo could read minds. You were sure they were trying their best to help you, but they really sucked at it.

Right now, you were lying in bed asleep. You were dreaming, probably about Kusuo, when someone burst through your door. "We're here!" you heard someone scream. You just groaned and turned the other way, wanting to sleep.

"How long are you gonna sleep? It's already 2 PM," "As long as i want to, so get the fuck out of my house" a different voice said. Both of voices seamed familiar. "The fuck are you smirking at, Saiki?" "At my funny joke, haha i'm funnier than myself" once you heard the word 'Saiki' you shot straight up and turned your head to the direction of your door.

You thought that it might be a joke, that mentioning him was a scheme to get you to wake up. Nope! There he stood, the man himself, Kusuo Saiki. 'Shit, fuck, balls,' you were freaking out. You turned to look at the other people and of course they were Mikoto and Harumi.

"The fuck are you THREE doing in my house?!" you yelled, still freaking out about the fact that Kusuo was there. You looked terrible, your hair was a mess, you probably had dried up drool next to your mouth and your morning voice sounded as if you smoked 50 packs a day.

"We brought him here so you could make up and stop acting akward," Mikoto smirked and put her hand on her hip. "So we're going to leave you alone so you can make up. Have fun!" Harumi said as she walked out of your room with Mikoto, they both were smirking and giggling as they closed the door.

Once they were out of the room, your eyes drifted to Kusuo. You both made eye contact and your eyes immediately flew somewhere else to break it. 'Fuck, bitch, oh my fucking god. Jesus lord save me,' you were playing with your fingers, trying to calm yourself.

"You know i can hear your thoughts, right?" "BITCH I KNOW SHUT THE FUCK UP" he asked you, causing you to visibly freeze. "Yeah, uhm," you tried looking at him, but couldn't. 'I think i might be ready to die,' you thought again, not being able to control your thoughts.

"So you hate me?" "I am madly in love with you, what do you mean" Kusuo said, causing you to freak out and stand up on your bed with your arms flailing around. "I don't, i don't. I don't hate you. That's not what i me-" you were denying it, but stopped once you saw he was smirking. 'What the fuck?'

"Are you okay? Since when did you become so bold? Why are you showing emotion? Are you the real Kusuo?" you spewed out questions and he stopped smirking and just rolled his eyes. "Good grief, shut up," he said his catchphrase and you smiled. You hadn't heard that in a while.

"Stop with the creepy smile," Kusuo said, making your smile disappear. "Rude! You coffee jelly whore!" you yelled at him and he looked really offended. Once you realized what you said, your hand flew to your mouth and you started laughing. Kusuo clearly was not impressed.

"Sorry, but it's the truth," you said, causing him to glare at you. You put your hands up in defense and shrugged your shoulders, showing him that you were innocent. He rolled his eyed and relaxed his shoulders.

You then remembered what he was here for in the first place. "Oh, about the incident, uhm. I'm sor-" you started apologizing, but he interrupted you. "I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry for doing that out of nowhere. I don't know what came over me. That was really wrong of me to try and do that. I'm sorry," Kusuo apologized, leaving your mouth to hang open out of surprise.

"Good grief don't stare at me like that," he was embarrassed. He had actually thought multiple times on how to apologize to you and on the way to your house, when Harumi and Mikoto dragged him, he was thinking of what to say. "Oh, uhm. I'm sorry," you closed your mouth and thought over what he had said.

"I like how you repleaced the word kissing with 'that' multiple times," you smirked and teased him. "Shut up," he blushed a little for a second, but then the blush disappeared. He looked really cute when he was flustered and showing emotion like that.

You smiled to yourself, happy that you finally made up. "Friends and maybe something more?" you held up your hand for him to shake it. He rolled his eyes, but then smirked. "Friends and maybe something more," he shook your hand while still smirking.

You froze out of shock. Your face was burning. You thought that there might be steam coming out from the top of your head. You then fainted, but Kusuo caught you. "Good grief," he didn't think this would happen. He only wanted to tease you a bit.

Kusuo layed you down on the bed and pulled the covers over you, so you could be warm. He sat on the edge of your bed looking at you. Instinctively, he brought his hand to your face and tucked some of your (h/c) hair behind your ear.

He glided his knuckles across your cheek. "I mean what i said," and with that he stood up and opened the door to see Harumi and Mikoto pressed up against it. Since there was no door anymore, they both fell. They looked at your bed and saw that you were asleep.

"Wait, what happened?" Harumi asked, really confused. "Fainted. Can i go home now?" Kusuo said, unbothered. Harumi and Mikoto looked at each other. They had heard you apologize to each other. "Yeah, i guess," Mikoto said to Kusuo. He nodded and walked away.

After he was gone, Harumi and Mikoto rushed to your bed. "She will have to explain what happened," Mikoto said, smirking. "Oh, obviously," Harumi grinned evily.

"Wait, also how did you get Saiki to agree to this?" Harumi asked Mikoto. "Oh, i screamed at him for an hour straight until he finally accepted that he really does have feelings for (y/n)" Mikoto said casually. "Oh, nice."

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so like um. BIDEN WON!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT SLJFJFKSFKKF. I DONT EVEN LIVE IN AMERICA BUT I AM SO HAPPY FOR THEM THAT TRUMP LOST. i had a friend and her mom over. once we found out, we ran and told our moms the news. they both cheered lmao

anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter <3

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