Chap 02: Jeon Jungkook

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Third pov

Jeon Jungkook, the hare to be the next mafia king of the mafia underworld. Jungkook, a 23-year-old male whose father was once the king who sat on his throne, is now being passed on to his son, Jeon Jungkook code name JK.

Ever since Jungkook was a child growing up, he was trained to the bone to be utmost perfection and great at everything. He was thought how to fight by the best fighters of the force/underworld army and how to fire and use weapons like guns and fight with swords. His father made it known to him that someday he'll have everything that he has now and will be the ruler of all and everything.

Growing up he had to be the smartest, the wisest, and a quick thinker. He had to learn many languages for his people/citizens of his kingdom(the mafia underworld) who spoke many languages.

Jungkook had everything. There was never a time when he asks for something and never got it. He was the soon be king, hence he had it all. There was never a single person who thought to define Jungkook's orders are not give him his wants and desires. Since growing up, he's always been like that, and due to this, he was known as the possessive kook that gets whatever his heart or mind desired.

Due to his father's sudden retirement, he's currently being prepared and groomed for the day when he'll have a speech prepared and meet his fellow citizens of the underworld. 


Jungkook is currently in his office, one where his father used to own though, he made it so it was greater and better designed than before. He wanted everything to be perfect, for he is the king. He was seated around his big ass table with paperwork in hand, going over some things and such before the day finally comes.

A knock was heard at the door. 

Jungkook's voice deep and stern ordered "Come in." A blond head male by the name of Namjoon code name RM, made his way towards his table, handing him files. "Here are the files on the superposed new blood Boss." The male said, voice serious but not for a treat.

Jungkook took the files that sat on his desk, observing his potential new blood/recruits for his mafia kingdom. He hummed in agreement, liking what he saw. 

Taking time to look through them, getting all he needed. While turning and reading the files, his eyes caught something that he really wants. A male with blond hair, brown eyes, and plump strawberry kissable lips, features so angelic and beautiful to admire. His lips formed a smirk. What's an angel doing in my kingdom....?

"Kim Taehyung...." he let out. 

Namjoon eyebrow rows in curiousness, to why his boss shows a sudden interest in one of his potential new recruits.

 "Namjoon." Jungkook spoke his underboss' name. 

"yes, boss," Namjoon answered. 

"Bring this male to me, I want to meet him," Jungkook ordered, lips still formed in a smirk.

"Yes, Boss," Namjoon responded to his command, bowing before leaving his boss's office. What's gotten into boss all of a sudden? Namjoon thought mentally, curious on why his boss started acting like this, he's only just became king, what's the sudden wants and needs thing?

"Kim Taehyung. A beautiful name for a beautiful boy."

"I'll make you mine. And only mine."

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