Chap 56: His office

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Third pov

Jungkook was around his desk, paperwork finished and whiskey done. He wasn't drunk as he had a high tolerance in drinking alcohol. There was a known at his door and he answered.

"Who is it?"

"Sir, someone is here to see you, may we enter." Namjoon spoke.

Jungkook had already knew of what's to come, he sighed.

"You may enter."

Lisa was the first to enter as Nmajoon followed behind. 

"Kookie~ You won't believe how much I had to go through just to get a moment with you~" Lisa spoke rather seductively cute, Thinking this will win Jungkook over.



"..You may go.."

"Yes sir."

Jungkook was about to ask how Taehyung was but he didn't bother.

"Kookie~" Lisa walked up more over to where he was.

"What is it Lisa."

"I missed you."

"Do you now." Jungkook was irritated.

Lisa was now over at Jungkook's desk and she thought it would be a great idea to rest her ass upon his desk, trying to seduce him with her body gestures.

"Kookie~...I'm hurt~"

"Doesn't look like it to me love."

"what do you mean it doesn't~ Can't you see what that ugly thing did to me earlier.." Lisa began to act all weak and innocent.

"What." Jungkook's ear twitched.

"That ugly blond head thing The thing that hit me earlier, weren't you there?"

"Yes, I was."

"So do something."

"Like what?"

"Deal with it."

"How show I deal with him."

"I said 'It' it's not he but an ugly thing in my eyes."

"The hell, he's a fucking ugly pig!"

Jungkook was getting enough of this bitch.

He got up in an instant. His aura wasn't pleasant. His gaze was sharper than to edged blad, ready to attack without a heartbeat or the bat of an eye.

"Enough of your pointless babbling. I've had enough of you for one night."

Jungkook spoke in a calm yet dark and daring voice. It was the command of a dangerous man, getting irritated by the sound of a speaking mouse, begging for cheese.

"J-Jungkook I-

Jungkook's hand slammed down on his desk and Lisa Jumped to her feet, sacred to death.

"ENOUGH!" Jungkook's eyes were in rage.

"Get out." Lisa backed up to the door.

"Namjoon!" He called.

Namjoon appeared in an instant.

"Get her to a room and send guards to keep her in, she is not to leave that room for whatever reason. And take away any electrical devices she may have."

"Yes sir."

Namjoon escorted the girl out. She was calling his name, begging him not to let her be taken.


"Jungkook please!"


Jungkook of course didn't care and sat back down.


The door closing after Nmajoon was gone with Lisa.


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