Chapter 102: I won't let you out

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Jungkook pov

After the meet was over, I gave the members orders on what to do. They all agreed, some felt like it wasn't the away but all that was playing in my mind was Taehyung's safety.

I'm not certain if he'll hurt his child or not, but what's certain to me is that Taehyung must never be in his sight or near him, No Matter What.


I left the meeting room and went straight to the Taehyung's room on the third floor. The room in which he stayed in until I got back aka the room I ordered him to be brought too.

I saw that my guards where positioned as instructed, guarding my angel. What didn't go unnoticed was the sound of furniture of all sorts crashing into the door.

The crashing and smashing created loud sounds that filed the hallway. I sighed. "He'll not listen to me..."

I waited for a while then enter. "Tae angel i-


The sound of a vase hitting the wall behind me was loud towards my ear. He threw that vase not too long ago and wanted to hit me with it. Fortunate for me, I was swift enough to move out the way.

"Oof-he's mad mad."

I cleared my throat. "Taehyung, I've come to make Peace." I spoke, as I entered, closing the door behind.

Taehyung pov

"Peace my ass" "yeah that's ever gonna happen." I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you here Jungkook." I crossed my arms as I sat on the bed.

He came in slow but stead. "I'm here to talk."

"Talk?" I scoffed.

"Yeah right. Just be honest, you're here to sweet talk what you actually want me to do aren't you." I let out unimpressed.

He looked shocked.

I smirked.

"Jungkook darling.~... I've been by your side from months unend. I know you like a book I've read many times. Don't be too shock to know that I know what you were gonna do and say." I sweet talked as I walked over to his ear and say.

I felt his hot breath against my cheek as he groaned.

Jungkook pov

I know what he's doing but I can't seem to resist him. I've been protective of him ever since I found out about his father's past and that he's back here for him and his sister I'm yet to know who.

The reason I am acting this way is because I care too much for him to let him go. I don't know what 'He' will do so I'm trying to keep them apart. It's hard to believe 'His' motives are pure when he could have took Taehyung back to his side long ago. Why now is he looking for them? What is his plan? Questions upon questions I need answers for...sigh...I can't. I'm going mad at this point.

I stared into Taehyung's eyes that held on expression ever so seductive.

And he's not helping me in anyway.

Third pov

Jungkook waited not for another word for the younger's plump cherry lips and attacked them without hesitation. Taehyung smirked.

Taehyung pov

I guess my plans working~

Jungkook pov

I'll play along for now angel~

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