Chap 48: Not Secretive

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Third pov

Taehyung was sent off by Jungkook since he had something important to discuss with Namjoon. Taehyung didn't say or did anything about the matter since he's just a pro bodyguard to the mafia king and seems like a secret lover since he took the matter earlier into account(when Namjoon knocked at the door). He was a little hurt by it but said nothing.

At this moment, Taehyung is in the locker room alone. Since he had nothing to at the moment, he just sat in the empty room alone, seated on the wooden bench, looking through his phone. He went t his contacts and saw that his parents were trying to reach him 2 days ago. He didn't know that his parents had called him so he dialed the number to talk to them since he had the time.

Daling Mom...




"yes mom, it's me."

"oh my, I miss you my darling."

"I do too mom."

"Why didn't you answer us 2 days ago?"

"sorry about that mom, been busy over here with work so i hardly have time for myself.'

"oh poor by, don't worry, things will get better soon okay."

"Okay mom."

"that's my boy."

Then went on talking about stuff: dateline, relationships in general, etc..

"oh my goodness! my by found someone special~"


"*she laughed* i wish you guys the best in love."

"thank you, mom."

"Mom, i have to go now but I'll call you again when i can okay."

"Okay darling."

"Tell dad I'm okay and he shouldn't worry."


"bye mom, love you 1000."

"love you too dear~ *kiss through phone*"



"Hey." Jimin appeared outta nowhere.

Taehyung got up quickly.

"Jimin sir!"

Jimin chuckled.

"no need tae, call my Hyung."

"Okay, Hyung."

"please..*Jimin suggested they sit down*"


"so, if you don't mind me asking, why are you here all alone Tae?"

"well, sir Jungkook is having a private meeting with sir Namjoon so i had to leave the room so i decided to come down here."

"i see.."

"what about you Hyung?"

"Just wanted to find a spot to be alone."


" and Jungkook huh?~"


"come on Taetae, we all know something's up with you two~"


Jimin chuckled.


"Since when?"

"well...since you started training of course. Long story short, Jungkook was interested in you, like A LOT. I know at first it came off as nothing since this wasn't the first time but after a while, jungkook seemed to be thinking the thought of you and him seriously. I mean I thought you weren't like that to him and it's the first I've seen him acts so. If he wanted something, in this case, you since it was from a long time ago, he would have had you long ago but for some reason, he took the normal route and waited on something to happen like a normal person."



"He told me something like that. But you said the same thing in a different way, more detailed."

"that's another thing about him. He's not the type to give you the answer to your question straight up, you just have to trust him."

"Okay, thanks Hyung."

Jimin ruffled his hair.

"Okay, let's get back up."

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