Chap 38: The Attack on MonstaX

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Third pov

It was the day of the attack on MonstaX and Bangtanboy's soldiers and men were ready and on the move. A war was started by an old rival from the past and will now be ended by their offspring.

The soldiers did as they were told. They awaited the truck which collected weapons from their enemies' supplier and ambushes it on its way back. Jimin and four others did just that.

While they were dealing with that side of the plan, another part of the plan was in motion. This is where Hosoek's men that does the bombing did their part by sneaking in, with the help of Yoongi's men with hacking, to by past the security cameras, as Namjoon had told him. Some of Jimin's men went with them as they needed backup to take out the few men in their path, not that they couldn't fight, just that Jimin men where specialized in that sort of field.

Hosoek had gotten threw the enemies' men, one by one and was directed by a GPS where the spots where in red where he needed to plant his bombs.

Snipers where hidden in the bushes and in trees, from far away buildings where they could still shoot the enemy.

Jungkook, Taehyung, and the others were in the van, waiting for the signal to attack the enemy base before them.

Note: Namjoon was at the mafia king base as the underboss, taking over until Jungkook returns.


The truck had pulled up finally and they did the checking (The enemy). All was clear to them but secretly wasn't. The said truck disappeared in the ware house where few men stood armed, if only they knew the rain of bullets which was about to fall from the storm which will occur in only T minus 10 seconds.












Jimin and the other four men from within the truck began shooting the enemy from outside the truck. Guns were out and bullets everywhere. This signals Jungkook's soldiers in position as it was time for action.

"Move out!" Jungkook ordered.

The soldiers from their previous post, the ones who were to attack head-on, began doing their task in the plan. Jungkook went after with them as he was to take another route, the quicker way to his enemy.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Jungkook shot three men before his path.

Taehyung behind him, protecting their backs.

"Let get this party started shall we~"-Jungkook spoke with a creepy voice(but it was seductive, sorta like a hot psycho killer hunting on hiding prey.

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