Chap 45: Day #1 of being together

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Third pov

It the next morning of Jungkook and Teahyung's love session last night. The two were up all night and morning having smex. They ended up going to sleep at 4 to 5 am. It was currently 8:30 in the morning and Taehyung was out cold, tired from all the rounds he went through. Jungkook however, was up and staring at his peaceful figure, he was like a cheat running on legs.

He watched as the Taehyung slept peacefully fully, still in his embrace and lay on his naked chest, they were both bare. After a while, Taehyung's body started moving as his eyes slowly began to open to the world, the first thing he saw was the blinding light in the room, the sun rays coming through the windows.

"mhmm..." we was waking up.

He rubbed his eyes and noticed he was on someone, still fully naked.

Jungkook looked into his eyes and he did to his.

"Good morning koo."

"Good morning angel. Slept well?"

Taehyung recalled the things of last night. His ass felt sure and painful.

"My ass hurts thanks to you..b-but other than that, I'm okay," Taehyung spoke a little shy.

Jungkook chuckled and kissed his forehead.

"That's good to hear.'

Taehyung blushed.

They stayed like this for 2 minutes until it hit Taehyung.

"Aren't you going to the base koo, it's past the time we should be there."

"Not yet, I want to spend some time with you here until then. Besides, I'm sure Namjoon can take care of the organization for a few more minutes."



They spend some more time in bed and soon after were getting ready for a bath together.

"Come angel, I'll help you into the bath."

Jungkook held out his hands to Teahyung which happily took them. He was being carried in a bridal style into the bathroom.

Jungkook had already prepared the bath for them to come in. He slowly put Teahyung in and sat behind him right after, embracing his small figure. "This is nice.."-KTH

They spend time in the bathroom just relaxing in each other's comfort in the water.

They soon ca,e out after about 30 minutes or so, They got dressed and went downstairs to get breakfast, prepared by the maid, order by Jungkook's butler.

"Breakfast is ready sir." The bullet spoke to Jungkook as he and Teahyung were already seated and drinking coffee.

The servants came over with a tray of delicious foods. Most of the foods were Taehyung''s favourite. Jungkook knew the dishes he liked a lot and order the butler through text while sleep to order the maids to make them for him(isn't he sweet~🥺😫)

The food presented were:

1. Bacon and eggs with toast bread

2. Strawberry pancakes with syrup and strawberries on top.

3. Egg and Cheese Bread Omelet.

4. Orange juice with a glass jar of water.

5. And five blueberry muffins.

"Wow~ this looks good, how can we eat them all?" Taehyung was excited and surprised by the display of food.

Jungkook chuckled and spoke saying. "Eat all you want~"

Taehyung made a big boxy smile that set Jungkook's heart on fire.

"Okay, will do~"

Taehyung wasted no time and ate his fill. Jungkook just watched as his lover ate passinatly.

While Teahyung was eating and still had food in his mouth, he noticed that Jungkook was just staring at him in a daze and not eating.

"Why aren't you eating koo?" His mouth full.

"Don't talk with food in your mouth," Jungkook told him.

Taehyung made a pouty face.

He swelled his food and then spoke again.

"Aren't you gonna eat breakfast with me?"

"No, I think this morning's breakfast was quite replenishing~" Jungkook refereeing their steamy session.

Teahyung's face flushed bright red.

"You-you bad bunny..." Taehyung spoke low and shy.

Jungkook chuckled and ruffled his hair.

" would be nice if someone fed me.." Jungkook spoke, referring to Teahyung to fed him.

"Okay then..I will feed you~" Taehyung tried to win one over Jungkook's teasing.

Jungkook smirked and let Taehyung fed him with the most-shy expression of all time.

"What a cutie.."

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