Chap 79: Making up

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Third pov

Jin was in his medical room properly caring for Hoseok's and Jimin's injuries. Yoongi and Namjoon had left them after being told to get some rest by Jin.

"You guys go get some rest. I'll take care of their injuries."

"...Okay," Yoongi spoke and then left.

"I'll see you soon my love" He went and kissed Jin on his cheek then left.

Jin was in a blushing mess.

"ugh, get a room Hyung." Hoseok playfully spoke out from the bed.


Jimin chuckled. "It must be nice falling in love~..."

Jin's face flushed reddish once more.

"...yeah, it is."


[Currently With Jungkook and Taehyung]

Jungkook and Taehyung were in their room making up as they should have a long time ago.

Taehyung was laying flat on his back, being shower in kisses and steamy touches by Jungkook who hovered over him, a gaze that was seductive and happy, hungry and ready to eat.

"I miss this..." Jungkook spoke between kisses on Taehyung's neck.

Taehyung let out a slight moan from the kissing and sucking and formed words.

" too.."

Jungkook's kisses soon began to travel along his neck going upwards to his ears, then cheek...and finally, he was at Taehyung's lips.

Those pink and plump lips he missed so much.

Those lips that begged him for more.

Those lips that let out sweet moans under his touch.

 Those lips...they were finally in his graph after so long.

He waited no time and began to attack them with longing.

Taehyung's moan began to flood to the room even more.



"mhmm ahh mhmm~"

After 20 seconds of a kiss of longing, Taehyung was gasping for air.

Jungkook smirked at the angelic boy below him.

His face was so lewd yet innocent and most of all, tempting.

Saliva was dripping from Taehyung's lips as he had to catch air after losing contact with it, Jungkook's doing.

Jungkook had a little hint of red on his face along with a smirk o full display.

He took his finger and placed it on Taehyung's lips, this view was something else and it got him hucked. He wasn't done just yet...

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