Chap 69: Sneak In

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Third pov

Taehyung sneaked around in the dark, dressed in all black with his black bag of equipment still on his back. He dashed through the dark and hid in the green bushes when he heard sounds of soldiers of the enemy moving towards his direction. There were about 4 soldiers heavily armed.

One to the right seemed to be 6ft.

One in the middle right seemed to be 5ft 9inchs.

One in the middle left seemed to be 5ft 6inchs.

One to the left seemed to be 6ft 2inchs.

"This seems fun.." Taehyung mentally thought as he held an army knife in his right hand, preparing to attack the men with guns.




"Now!" He mentally shout.

He started to attack the men in black as they tried to fight back, shooting shots everywhere creating a rack.

1 down.

3 remained.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


2 remained.



Stab Stab Stab


1 remained.



Taehyung exhaled.

" guys weren't bad but..def needed more work." And walked away.


[In Enemy Bass]

"Sir, he's here."

"hmmm...I knew he'd show." G Dragon grinned.

"What now sir?"

"Do nothing extreme but make it so it's believable. I don't want 'him' to get angry with me."

"Understood sir."

The soldier said and left after bowing.

"Kim Taehyung~ You have no idea how I long to meet you at last...The XXX..."


[Currently, Taehyung Is At The Entrance Of The Bass]

"Strange, why aren't they running towards me? something doesn't feel right..."

Taehyung is having doubts about the entire situation but forges along with his mission.

Shots were fire and bodies fell o the floor lifeless.

Taehyung got glaze with their bullets to thud far but that didn't make him fall back, not even a little.

after 15, 20, 30 minutes of continuous shooting and dead bodies everywhere...the guns finally stopped and Taehyung was the one who rained victoriously.

He had a gun wound.

He had bullet glaze marks and blood was on his face and running from his injuries.

He looked around carefully, looking out for more in-coming soldiers. He heard soldiers running towards him and began to move along. He headed to the basement. Why?

The basement is most likely where the punishment room would be held and since Jhope and Jimin were enemies they would 100% be hanging or gained somewhere there.

"Just hang in their guys, I'm almost here."

Taehyung ran down the heavy flight of stairs, not taking the elevator but the stairs.

2 flight.

3 flight.

4 flight.

5 flight of stairs and he was there, finally.

He stood before an iron build door and beyond this door were his teachers and friends.

He didn't hesitate and went in.

Just as he expected, it was a trap.


MP3 and MP4 guns with red lights were pointing in the direction of Taehyung's body. They were pointed to his head, arms, legs, everywhere.

Jimin and Hoseok were chained up, mouth taped, and body cover in blood and some cuts.

"So good of you to join us, Kim Taehyung."-G Dragon spoke with an amusing tone, expression '😁'

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