Chap 04: Mafia King

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Third pov

Taehyung and Namjoon were on their way to the mafia king's base. They were currently in a black van. Taehyung was nervous and worried for his life. Why would 'the' mafia king, Jungkook was his name..? wants to meet me?.. Taehyung thought mentally, sweat almost pouring from his pores. Head held down and eyes staring at the transportation's floor.

Namjoon on the other hand was seated opposite side the said nervous male. Namjoon noticed and spoke.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon asked, voice a little stern but friendly.

Taehyung lifts his head, facing the male seated before him, and responded. "To be honest no.." Taehyung let out, voice filled with nervousness, he didn't even try to hide it.

Namjoon chuckled.

Taehyung was a little taken aback by this. He didn't expect the mafia's underboss to be so..well..normal I guess. He thought the mafia underboss was supposed to be a cold-hearted person as the mafia king.. did he think wrong.

"I figured," Namjoon spoke after chuckling.

"w-was it that obvious?.." Taehyung asked, a little embarrassed.

"Yes, it was.." Namjoon responded face soften.

Taehyung looked down, face a little pink.

"You don't have to worry, you'll be okay.."

Taehyung felt a little relieved from the older male's words.


The soon the van came to a stop. Namjoon face went back to its original state(intimidating). Namjoon and Taehyung hopped out the van and began walking towards the building before them. While walking, guards in full black suit with ties, had shades on, stood on both sides(left and right) leaving space in the middle where a red carpet sat, for them to walk through.

Taehyung was beyond amazed. Not only was the building huge, but it was also secured all around, from top to bottom. must be cool to be in charge and important.

The two soon made their way inside the building where guards opened the two big doors before them. Once inside and passing by, people within the areas began to bow before Namjoon, showing respect as he was the underboss and second in command.

Passing countless people from different hallways and areas, they were finally at their to be the destination, Jeon Jungkook, the mafia boss's study. Taehyung gulped at the sight.

The door was soon pushed open after Namjoon knocked, earning a 'Come in.' from the deep and stern voice from within.

Taehyung gulped once again. fear taking over him along with nervousness.

The door opened and Namjoon and Taehyung disappeared within the dim-lit room.


Taehyung pov

Once I the door was opened I gulped at the sight. Not only was I afraid but nervous as well. Namjoon walked in front of me, as I followed closely behind. The door behind was closed shut, leaving the Mafia boss, the underboss and I in the room.

The room was dim-lit and hard to see. My eyes slowly began to adjust to the poorly lit room as it seemed the mafia liked it that way. My eyes began to wander around the room, observing every inch of it. It was modernistic as well as medieval-themed mixed with a hint of fancy. I was in awe. The color scheme was dark red, black and silver. Whoever made such a masterpiece deserved to be praised.

As my eyes wandered within the room, they soon landed a male with midnight, dark raven hair, seated behind a medieval designed desk. His features looked muscle as well as a tick. His business printed from the black suit he had on, seemed designed. His hair slicked back revealing his exposed forehead. Eyes dark brown, almost black. Lips pink and plump. I who stood only a few feet apart desired to taste them so. Who made such a devilish man to exist..?


Third pov

With having the two males facing the mafia, the mission was now complete. Namjoon spoke. "Boss I have brought to you, Kim Taehyung. The young male you desired." Voice stern and deep.

Jungkook looked at Namjoon and nod. Namjoon who knew what that meant bowed and left the two said males alone.

Taehyung was beyond nervous. Not only was he nervous and worried for what will happen to him. But he also felt afraid since Namjoon left. He was left behind with him..the mafia king.

Jungkook cleared throat, getting Taehyung's attention as he looked like he was lost in deep thoughts.

"Soo you are Kim Taehyung?." Jungkook spoke. Voice deeper than the deep blue sea and hotter than lave. Taehyung shivered a little at his tone. Just the mention of his name send shivers down his spine.

Jungkook who sat behind the desk, formed a smirk as he could see a little redness being formed on the said boy's cheek after he spoke to him. He loved the effect he made on the male,as he like the reaction he made. He wanted more, he wanted to tease him more.

Jungkook leaned back and spoke again. "I asked a question are Kim Taehyung right?.."

Taehyung flinched a little at his tone, still deeper than the sea but more strength than before. He didn't want to make the mafia king angry so he answered right away."y-yes..i-i'm Kim Taehyung..." voice soft and low.

Taehyung's voice was a little stuttery but didn't care as he was lost in thought again. Eyes diverting from the male before him.

Jungkook's face that once had an a smirk grew even prouder. "A little higher love. I can't hear you." Jungkook spoke, voice dominant but hides teasings behind.

"M-my name is Kim Taehyung," Taehyung spoke, voice tones a little more higher than before. Eyes now on him(Jungkook).

Jungkook smirked(yeah I know he's smirking a lot).

"Taehyung..that's a angelic name for a angelic boy~" Jungkook spoke,voice deep and filled with flirts.

Taehyung was beyond taken aback at the mafia's tone and words. It felt like music to his hears and words deeply spoken,complimenting his ever so existence.

And here I thought he was be vile,mean,deadly,murderous and dangerous.


Am I the only one...or are things getting heated?😏

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