Chap 19: Reveled

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Third pov

"Now then."

A figure walked from behind the high tower and made his way to where Yoongi stood. It was Kim Namjoon...

"Shall we get started?"


Taehyung woke up in an empty room. He opened his eyes to see that 4 of his friends where in a enclosed area with him. Now that he thought about it, it seemed as if this was just the beginning of what they were to complete to achieve higher grounds.


"So let me now go over the rules and objective of this finale test"

"Each and everyone of you will be placed in groups of 5. These partners will then be trapped in a enclosed and dark room. They are to try and escape the said room they're in with their knowledge and wisdom."

"They'll be a time frame onto how long the test will last for, fail to complete this test within the given time frame, you'll be either killed if not suited to be a solider since you had failed or be a solider."

"The objective of this test is to challenge your brain, when an enemy grounds and you'll need to find away to get out of said situation of being locket up. Not everything is about's time to put you're brain to the test."

"Anything is allowed as long as you don't kill another teams partner. You'll know why I say this when the time comes."

"That is all I will say..good luck"


Taehyung pov

I got up off the floor I was laying down on, unconscious we all were. It was as Kim Namjoon had said. "We would wake up in an enclosed room. Dark and of no light." Though it was a little dim, we still could make out certain things.

"Where are we?" Jisoo asked.

"I think this is were the test starts.." Jay spoke.

"Yeah. It's just as Kim Namjoon had said." YeonJun added.

"So what now?" Soobin asked.

"mhm.he did say we are in an enemy territory, we should use our brains to escape, not all things rely on we look around for clues," I suggested.

"Great Idea." Jisoo pointed her finger up with a 'great idea' expression on.

"Let's start looking around."


After 5 minutes or so of searching, we found nothing.


"what now..we found nothing."

Jay Jisoo step back.

Just as she did that, a doorway opened.

"w-what was that.." she flinched at the sound.

"I think you might have triggered a hidden button on the floor by Jisoo's feet that opened the door."

"w-what?.." Jisoo was a little shocked.

"Good job Jisoo." Jay cheered for her, walking towards the door.

"but I-

She was cut off by Soobin, who was also walking by her.

"Fighting," Soobin added.

"But I didn't do it on purpose." She defended, not wanting the guys too think she knew what she was doing.

"It's okay Jisoo Nona, glad you're here," YeonJun added, tapping her shoulder and walking by her as well.

I chuckled.

"come on Jisoo, we're on a time frame."

She sighed and we all left the empty room towards the light at the open door.

"I wonder what to expect next."

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