Chap 50: Who tf are you

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Third pov

It's been fourteen days since the meeting with Jungkook and Mr. Manoban. He's sending more and more time with Taehyung and soon after a while, everyone in the organization that's seen them together and how Jungkook treated Taehyung started theorising that the two were in a relationship or something.

Taehyung was happy with the idea of their relationship being open but someone else wasn't, Jungkook. He didn't want the spotlight to be on Taehyung as he knew he had enemies who were gunning for his head and his spot as top king in the underworld. The fact that the last mission with Taehyung by his side keeps rewinding in his mind. The fact that his now-deceased enemy almost took something precious from him, his most prised possession.


Taehyung and Jungkook were in Jungkook's master bedroom making love. These two were all over the place these past few days. Jungkook was horny and Taehyung was his pleasure reliever. They would have smex in the car as the driver drove them all around Seoul until Jungkook was satisfied. They would have it in the elevator as this caused people at the base to think the elevator was out of order, if only they knew what was going on it it. Wherever Jungkook sees fit, they would always end up having sex.

1 vote= 1 Prayer for Taebooty

"ahhhh~mhmm~ahh~" Taehyung's sweet moans were all over the room. Jungkook was thrusting in him fast and deep, racing the unreadable and touching the untouched. Taehyung was on a roller coaster of pleasure as Jungkook was pleased being inside the gold mind of pleasure.

"mhmmm~" Jungkoo groaned in pleasure with the younger's insides.

With one more fast thrust and it being deeper, Jungkook released inside Taehyung who cummed after. Jungkook hovering over Taehyung fell beside him drenched in sweat. Taehyung was out of breath. They looked each other in the eyes and laughed lowly.

"That was so good koo~"

"So was you bby~"

They turned, even more, holding each other. Jungkook holding onto Taehyung face kissing his lips as Taehyung held on to his hand that was on his face. They did the french kiss and then...

Knock Knock.

The knock at the door ruined the mood.

Jungkook wasn't pleased at all.

"What." He spoke coldly.

" need to kill me with your cold mouth Jeon Jungkook," Jimin exclaimed for beyond the door.

"ugh..what do you want shorty."

"How dear you, I'm still you Hyung you brat."

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"There's something in need of your attention right now."

"And what would that be.." Jungkook asked unbothered.

"I mean it Jungkook, get your naked ass out this room and come see for yourself."

"Bold of you to-

Jungkook was about to say something but Taehyung peeked him on his lips.

Taehyung smiled at him as his finger traced his(Jungkook's) lips.

"Go kook."

Jungkook signed and placed his face into Taehyung's hands.



Jungkook got dressed and left the room. Taehyung was left alone getting dressed as well as Jungkook went to see what needed his attention.

Once he got down the stairs of the base and made his way to the living room, he noticed a black hair feeling who looked familiar to him, who is she? Everyone was in the room as well. Jin and Namjoon were seated on the L shape couch with Yoongi standing at the fireplace, Hoseok seated a few inches away from NamJin as Jimin was standing at the entrance of the living room, observing what was going on.

As Jungkook entered the room and was about to say something, more like get to to point of why he was here, the said raven hair female got up to her feet in a hurry and with the most exciting expression on, she pulled Jungkook into a kiss. Everyone in the room, Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jin were caught off guard. Who tf is this person and why is she kissing Jungkook like that?!

Just in that moment Taehyung appeared and froze in his spot... He was shocked but still had the energy to form these words from his lips.

"Who tf are you?"

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