Chap 59: Torturing for information

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Third pov


 Jungkook kicks the door opened of Lisa's room. The door was lucky to be still workable but Lisa, we pray for her.

Jungkook leaped over to her while she was on the bed shocked at the sudden appearance of her ''soon to be husband'' in rage.

He grabbed onto her hair, holding a handful, and pulled her off the bed and onto the floor. 

"What have you been up to Lisa!?"

"w-what are you talking about?" Lisa sobs and try to speak in pain. Her hair felt as if it would come off any second.

"Where is the person responsible for Taehyung's drugging?!"

"i-i Don't hurts, it hurts.." Lisa cried.

"I won't hesitate to kill you now, tell me what I need to know!"

"I-I don't know ahhhhhhhh!" Lisa cried.

He threw her into the hard floor out of rage yet again.

"Men, take her to the tourter camber and chain her up," Jungkook ordered.

"Yes sir." The guards once at the door appeared.

They both took Lisa up, one on the left and the other by the right, both dragging her out of the room and her screaming bloody marry.


"Jungkook. what's all that noise." Namjoon appeared in the room.

Jungkook looked different. His eyes, his expression, his aura...everything looked and was different...


"Get my instruments ready in the camber. I have a very special guest waiting."

"Yes sir." Namjoon went to the task at hand and didn't question it.


The room was dark and blood was everywhere. rusty yet strong chains were hanging from the walls like candlers. The room was dim-lited but had a single light source in the room, hanging over the chair. Blood was flowing like a river on a rainy day, not enough but enough from pain. Lisa was being tortured by a ranging and wild Jungkook, The Mafia King of the underworld was pissed.

"I will ask you yet again Lisa. What do you know."

"I told you, Idk."

"Suit yourself." Jungkook pulled another fingernail out."

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh!"

"Once more, what do you know?"

"Okay, okay...I'll tell you, please no more."

"That all depends on your answers Lisa, it all depends on you."

Lisa wept.

"I'm waiting."

"It was dad."


"Dad told me I had yet one mission to complete to have all that I need. He told me to come here and try to seduce you away from Taehyung."

"well that was obvious but still I'm not getting what I want to know."

Lisa sobbed.

"Here goes another one."

Jungkook pulled out another fingernail.


"I know you know more Lisa, I'm not dumb."


"The next words are better to be something useful, or I might just do something worse and inhuman than this love."

Lisa sobbed.

"h-he told me he had a plan...

"A plan?"

"Yes, a plan. This plan was for me to get you hooked and capture the prey..."

"I told you-

"That's not all..

Jungkook gave her a look.

"He's being backed by an organization in the shadows. One I know nothing of but he does, at least that's what I think."

Jungkook's eyes grew darker.

He held Lisa's hair, making her head fall back and eyes staring at him. A crying mess on full display.

"Tell me more."


After  Jungkook was done, he got all the information he needed from Lisa but left her there, at least for now. He has use for her, for his grand plan for revenge, oh he loved the taste of revenge.

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