Chap 28: His Bodyguard

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Taehyung pov

It's finally my time to shine as The Mafia King's Personal Bodyguard. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to finally put my skills out in the field but nervous I'll mess up, ugh! damn me! I need to think positive thoughts and be sharp as thought in trainee and class. This is the Mafia King I'm gonna be personally working for! I have to be at my best no matter what.

I got out the black tinted window jeep and walked up the stairs to enter the main base. After making my way through the entrance as the guards open the doors for me, I passed people in all black and some indifferent uniforms and made my way up to some more flight of stairs, making my way over to an elevator, and finally, I was at the entrance of the Mafia King's office.

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I regains my confidence and knocked on his door.

"Come in." He said sternly.

I turned the knob open and walked right in. Here I go...


Jungkook pov

I was in my office going over some paperwork Namjoon gave me to look over, these were manufacturing papers for our equipment and intel on special undercover missions going on at the moment. I still needed to assure my dominance on stubborn groups and small organizations who think they can play dirty under my nose without me noticing.

While going over said paper works, I heard a knock at my door. I checked my watch for the time and it was exactly 8 am. I had a feeling who it was since I had the said person who I thought it to be scheduled.

"Come in." I spoke with a stern voice.

I was right, It was no one other than Kim Taehyung and angle I so desire himself.

He was dressed in a black suit and tie with a white shirt underneath his suit's jacket, He had on black shinny and neatly polished shoes and a clear earpiece worn for this specific line of work, aka his role. His hair was slicked back with gel, how manly he looked, I could eat him whole. His lips so cherry like as every I could suck on them like a sweet lollipop. He was well dressed and groomed. All I could  think of was. "This is all for me~"

"Good morning sir." He bowed.

"You came in earlier than I expected, you had 5 extra minutes to arrive." I spoke to him.

He stood straight again and spoke, "oh umm, I thought coming in earlier would make on the impression that I can do my job well and won't fail at any task you give me sir." He told me.

"If only you knew how much of on impression you gave by just being here.." I thought to myself.

"Well that's good to hear," I told him.

"Well seeing as you have gotten your seclude for the week, it may change depending on what might happen so don't get too dependent on it," I told him, since things will most defiantly change.

"Yes sir. I'll remember this." He responded to my words. I hid a small smile.

"Well then, since you're here, you can sit on the leather couch over there while I finish up here before leaving for a meeting soon." I told him, I didn't want him to stay standing for 30 minutes.

"Yes sir." He walked towards the couch and sat.

While he was walking away towards the couch, I could stop staring at his plump ass. Who would have thought a guy would have a bigger butt than most females that I've met in my lifetime? Yes, those women's asses were big but damn, I could just squeez it with my bare hands~ I wonder what it would feel like? would it feel like Jelly, soft like cotton candy or thick and firm? I wanna touch it so bad..sigh. I just have to wait a bit longer, I wanna try something new. It's no fun always getting what I want without a little challenge.

With me finally snapping out my thoughts after he sat down, I went back to looking over and signing papers as well as stamping some if needed.

After the 30 minutes mark, it was now 8:30 am and I needed to get to a meeting held at downtown Seoul Day and Night Club owned by Mr. Wang from China aka Jackson Wang, The boss of the mafia organization, Got7.

I got up from my chair, grabbing my black coat and so did Taehyung. He held the door open for me as I walked through, he following after me. I walked towards the elevator, he set the floor to 50, that's where the entrance is, The Main Base has 100 floors, quite big huh? After 15 seconds cause the elevator was fast, we got off and everyone that saw me, whether they were doing something r not, bowed 90 degrees at my presence.

The exit doors were open by my men in black suits and tie with shades(black glasses). The car was already prepared for my departure with my angel of a bodygaurd behind me. I got in then him after. We were sitting opposite sides each other because the car was built different from the jeep I normally would drive in, I requested this one because I wanted to see him before, before my eyes as I travel to where ever I wanted to go.

After driving like 15 minutes cause there was no traffic and the car drove fast yet stead, we finally arrived at the Wang's Day and Night Club owned by Jackson.

We descended the car, Taehyung first cause he's my guard and he had to look out for any possible assassins coming after me and such, he was to make me safe. Even if I was in awe of him, he still had to do his job. I followed after, he waited at the slight side of the car for me to exit it and I walked off before him as he followed behind. I was now entering Jackson's Day and Night Club.


Stay tuned for the next chapter! Things are finally coming into play as you'll finally get to see some lil Taekook up in here! Sorry for the wait guys😄

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