Chap 70: Who are you?

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Third pov

"Who are you?" The surrendered Taehyung asked as his hands were placed in the air. His clothes were almost soaked in the blood of his dead enemies and that of his mixed in.

A chuckle was heard in response.

"I am someone who was ordered by someone else for your capture."

"What's that supposed to mean? were you responsible for me almost dying?"

"Yes but no. Yes, I was the one who was responsible for what happened but, you wouldn't have died from that plan."

"What's that supposed to mean?! It was quite obvious to me that I was almost at death's door."

"Indeed it seemed that way, but as I once said, it's the plan for the sake of someone else. I was merely ordered to this by someone else."

"who? who ordered you to do this?!" Taehyung wanted to know. This was also another reason for him o be here. He wanted to know who and why did they do this. What was their aim?

The man chuckled yet again.

Jimin and Hoseok in the chairs covered in their own blood and sweat began to move about, trying their hardest to get loose even though they knew it was pointless.

"Mmmmm!.....Mmmmm!...Mmmmm!...." Muffled noise was coming from the two.

"I'll tell you more. Let's change rooms first shall we." G-Dragon let out as he walked past Taehyung who followed behind, guns still pointed at him as 4 guards with MP4 guns trailed the two.


The metal door shut.


[Main Base Of BTS]

"Is everything ready?" Jungkook asked as Namjoon stood before him ready.

"Yes sir."

"Then let's get the show on the road."


[With Taehyung's Trainee Friends]

"I can't believe someone tried to assassinate Taehyung." 20-year-old Jisoo let out as she grabbed her uniform and equipment for battle.

"Me either, but why though is what I'm trying to figure out." 20-year-old YeonJun let out. Trying to find out the reason for that attempt.

"And then our teachers, high-ranked mafia members were taken hostage too. This enemy must be a pretty powerful one." 21-year-old Jay let out.

"I did get intel that this group was indeed big back in the day but wasn't as big as BTS back then. They were nothing but ants compared to elephants. I don't know the details as I would like to know but I'm pretty sure something happened with the said weak group to make them this powerful to capture our two high rankers of BTS. Jisoo spoke.

"Wow, it seems like people back then who were weak or seeking vengeance towards BTS for what they did back then huh?" YeonJun went to say.

"Yes, you are 100% correct on that." 24-year-old Bo-gum spoke.

"Then we best give it our all since we are now like family and more battles are bound to be ahead," Jisoo spoke as she looked at everyone.

They all looked at each other and nodded.

"But what I don't understand is, why did they want to take down Taehyung Hyung?" YeonJun asked.

"Remember Taehyung is our Mafia Boss's personal bodyguard and he's very strong in all areas; speed, skill, talent, combat, hacking, strategy..anything you name he's good at it. Take him down, The Mafia king will 'probably' have a hard time finding someone like him again." Soobin gave his opinion.

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