Chap 65: Unexpected

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Third pov

Hosoek and Jimin add successfully infiltrated the enemy base. They snuck in without having to sneak in. They were like imposters among them.

They walked by guards down the hallway of the clear and bright space. On the outside, the base looked as if it was a normal mansion which looked old fashion but once your feet stepped inside, you'll know why they say don't judge a book by its cover. 

The space they moved through the hallways and made it to a huge open area. Here what they saw in their view had a high-tech appearance. It was a modern-day type of thing. holograms and robots were seen holding guns and other unknown things, maybe 5 at the most which they might have created.This wasn't a base, this was the future... What were these people up to to get this much-advanced tech?

Hoseok and Jimin said nothing and looked at each other in the eyes before turning away separately to see more.

Jimin went West as Hosoek East.

The place was a trip to the future and they had no idea of what to expect after all they've seen so far. 

They looked and looked. They eventually met up at the north wing of the floor they were on, yet to meet the first second floor. It seemed this base has 5 hidden floors only accessed to the higher grade of guards and 3 more floors above them.

An alarm had gone off.

They looked at each other and notice the mood. They've to be made...


[At Jungkook's Base - Main-base-]

A figure was on the highest of floors in the base, he was on the roof of the main base, sitting on the edge of the mansion's final ceiling, looking up at the night sky and staring at the stars."Get back safe Jimin..and you too..stupid Hosoek..."

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