Chap 73: Mission is a go

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Third pov

[Big Bang Base]

[Currently With Taehyung and G-Dragon]

"You see oh so great heir~...your father as been anticipating your arrival as heir to the new era of the Underworld."

"What does that have to do with me and for what I know, My father and mother died when I was young! What the hell is all this Heir shit about?!"

G-Dragon sighed and then chuckled.

"That is not my story to tell little. 'He' will share that story with you in all good time."

Taehyung wasn't pleased.


[Jungkook's Mafia Main Base]

Everyone was ready and set for the mission at hand.

"Is everyone ready!?"

"Yes sir!" Yoongi was getting his men ready for battle.

Namjoon was currently looking out for Jimin's and Hoseok's team as they weren't there.

Namjoon personally selected a leader for each team, Jimin and Hoseok's group to help lead them to victory:

->YeonJun, 20 years old; Leader of Jimin's team, the combat squad. 

->Jay, 21 years old; Leader of Hoseok's team, the booming squad.

"Let's head out!" The signal to all parties to take their position on departing.


[Big Bang Base]

While Hoseok and Jimin were busy tied up in the cell. Taehyung had finally gotten the chance to see and talk to them unlike earlier.

The door was opened and Taehyung didn't waste a moment and ran up to the unconscious but conscious ppl to the wall.

The guards which were once in the room all left the three alone. The door closing behind.

"Jimin Hyung! Hoseok Hyung!"

Trying to wake them.

"Are you guys okay? I'll get you guys out quickly I promise!"

Taehyung moved away from them, hurrying over to a table to the far side of the room. He began to search for something, a key or a pin, anything that he could use to unlock the chains from their bodies.

The noise of metal and iron moving about.

Noise of all things big, heavy or light moving.

After a deep and swift search, Taehyung actually found a key to unlock the chains.

"I found it! hold on, guys!"

He exclaimed and ran up to them again.

First unlocking Jimin's and then Hosoek's chains


"We're here Boss." Namjoon declearded through the ear pieace.

"Let's get this over with."

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