Chap 62: Information

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Third pov

"Jungkook, what is this about, what did you find out." -Namjoon asked sitting around the meeting table.

Jungkook standing up still spoke, "It just came to my knowledge that Mr. Manban is being backed by a group, a powerful group most likely in the underworld and is skeeming something fishy."

"Did she say the name?" -Hoseok asked.

"No, she only said they didn't exchange their names and must be anonymous."

"Then how are we going to find out who they are?.." -Jimin asked confused, how are they going to find a probable ghost group with not much useful information.

"That's where the hard part to the complicated puzzle begins. Namjoon and Yoongi, could you guys take on this task?" -Jungkook asked the brains and hacker.

"Is that a joke, of course." -Yoongi replied.

"There's no puzzle I can't solve." -Namjoon replied, proud of his skills.

"Okay, Then that is all until we get more information. The meeting as ended." -Jungkook said his final words then left.


"How are you feeling Tae?" -Jin asked Taehyung who was sitting up in bed.

"I feel better thanks to you."

"you're welcome but that's what doctors do after all."

"so, how are things with you and Jungkook if you don't mind me being bold to ask?"

"'s nothing, we're currently taking a break, more like me..."

"Oh baby, I'm sorry to hear that, why though?"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"'s okay, take your time and heal okay, I'll be right back."'


Taehyung went back to lie down and Jin left the room, going off to somewhere with something in his hands important.


Knock Knock.

"Come in." A deep stern voice spoke.

"Jin, what are you doing here?" -Jungkook asked of the sudden visit.

"is something wrong with Taehyung? is he okay?" Jungkook asked concerned and got up, about to check on him.

"He's okay Jungkook, you can relax." -Jin chuckled.

"oh, sigh, so what can I do for you?" -Jungkook sat back down and spoke.

Jin walked forth and sat down on the chair before Jungkook's desk.

"I did some research on Taehyung's blood to check for any more trace of the drug used on him and guess what I found out..."


"It seemed to be a high level of sleeping drugs put through many test runs to get perfect to where you'll get poisoned by taking even a finger-tip of it. It could have powder form and liquid, even solid form."

"So, what's new, you told us that already though..."

"I have but not this detailed."

"Another thing is that...Though its components could kill you on the spot, this drug didn't which is strange..."

"what? how?"

"That's what I'm trying to find out. Seems like whoever is behind this wants to capture Taehyung alive, by doing this, they need to make it seem like he died."

Jungkook got up mad. "what!? I'll kill them."

"calm down Jungkook, we still don't know who they are yet, let's relax and take a breath."

Jungkook made a big sigh.

he spoke with a calm voice again, being all cooled down, just a little. "so what now?"

"My thoughts are to go check up and look back at any organization that you or your family has dealt with in the past and see if they are capable of making a drug so high tech and useful in so many fields. Whoo knows, maybe your guy is the one behind all this."

"Okay, thank you Hyung, this was good advice."

Jin smiled, "No problem Jungkook." and left.

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