Chap 87: I think we have a spy

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Third pov

"Sir, we have a lead..."

"Show it to me."

A screen was pulled up in the air over a digital hologram

"There you are."


"Yoongi, are you sure it's him?" Namjoon asked as he walked alongside Yoongi.

"I'm sure it's him." Yoongi responded with a 100% truth me tone.

"Okay, I'll trust your judgment on this."

Yoongi and Namjoon are currently heading towards Jungkook's office. They had an important talk they needed to have with Jungkook.

Without the need for knocking, they entered without consent.

Jungkook which was once talking to Tae had stopped and stared at the doorway where two males barged in. One in a swag jumpsuit, while the other in your classical mafia black suit.

"What's the meaning of this? Can't you guys knock? Don't you see me in the middle of something important?" Jungkook was annoyed. Here he was having a moment with his beloved and then these two cock-blockers showed up out of nowhere.

"We need to discuss something important with you."

"What is it? What's so important that you guys just barged in here without any concise whatsoever about my privacy, hmm?"

"We need to discuss it together alone."

"Hey! What-

Jungkook was about to curse but Taehyung butted in.

"Hey, it's okay. I'll be in our room okay."


"This seems important."

Jungkook sighed.

"Okay, I'll be there soon, okay angel."

Taehyung smiled and pecked his lips, now headed out. While he was heading out, Namjoon apologized.

"I'm sorry Tae..."

"It's fine...I'll leave you three to talk."


"Okay. What's this all about?"

"I know who our spy is."

"What?! You do? Who is it?!"

"It's Bogum."


"Is this true Yoongi?"

"Yes...I'm 100% sure he's a spy."

"How so?..."

Yoongi went on and on explaining why Bogum is a spy while adding in his reason for suspecting him.

"I see. Where is he right now?"

"We don't know," Namjoon answered.

"Then find him. Now!"

"Yes sir." Just as they were about to leave and follow Jungkook's orders, the phone rang and Jungkook answered. Unexpectedly, it was Jungkook's father and former Mafia leader of the entire underworld, Mr. Jeon was on the phone.


"We need to talk Jungkook. Bring you and your team here at my mansion this instant. And only them got it."

"But why?"

"This regards to 'your spy' incident and I have a feeling you all think it's Bogum."

"How did you-"

"Just do it. We'll discuss more later. Until then, bye son."

There was silence.

"Who was that Sir?.."

"It was my father...he needs us all to meet him soon."

Yoongi and Namjoon were puzzled by this information. Why would the former mafia leader and king of the underworld wish to see them? What was going on?

"We leave at 8 pm."

"30 minutes from now?'' –Yoongi questioned.


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