Chap 21: The leader's plan

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Third pov

"So here's the plan guys. As we all know, soldiers are gonna be walking all over this place once we get through these doors along with other teams. At this point, we'll have enemies crawling all over the place."

They nodded their heads.

"so what I purpose we do..."

Taehyung came u with a plan on what to do.

"Great Idea Tae." Jisoo state.

"I guess we all made the right choice," Jay spoke with a smile.

"Since I'm the leader I aim to make our team win this, we'll aim for the top among many, so let's do this guys" Taehyung spoke in a leadership voice.

They all nodded and walked through the doors.


Taehyung pov

We started walking into rooms whenever we sense that the area was clear. From time to time we'd see team's walking around. Some like others had no idea of what to do and complain whiled, while some, very few had weponds, things that we were looking for since we only had a knife and I was the one in charge of it.

[Earlier Flashback]

"So since we got the plan in section, who wants the knife?" I asked.

"Why not you keep it." Jay said.

"but like, why me?" I asked, they've been picking me a lot lately.

"well it's simple, you are the most skilled out of all of us when it comes to close combat and you're incredibly talented when it comes to knives," YeonJun stated.

[Flash Back of Training days(Few days ago)]

Third pov

"Okay guys, today's training session is fighting with knives and other handheld weponds; so go pick a wepond and get into your positions."

After everyone got there weponds, the training finally began.

"So for those who choose the staff watch closely."

*Jimin began to show them how to use staff*

"wow! it's like he's one with the staff"

"Next for those who choice the spear"

*Jimin  began to shows how to use the spear*

Again everyone was impressed.

*Jimin began to show them how to use a sword*

*Jimin went on to show them how to use knuckles* not handheld but still used but hands.

*Jimin showed them how too use bats* simple but effective the way he was using it.

Every wepond you could think of that was handheld, Jimin was good at using them. It was as if a swam was dancing along while killing it's victims.

After he had shown everyone how to used them(weponds), displayed how to use them all, the trainees applauded him.

"Now then, let's see what you all got." Jimin stated, not a single sweat on his beautiful face.


Taehyung choose to use a knife and was practicing well with it. Jimin came over and watched him keenly.

"Nicely done Taehyung."

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