Chapter 100: Tsk

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Third pov

Seating area and position

[The Mafia meeting room]

.Namjoon. .Taehyung.
.Jin. .Jimin.
.Yoongi. .Hoseok.

"Kai as you know as been with us for many years. He as served my father while he and i were teens, and now he serves me."

"During my short visit with my father I learnt a few things...things that relate with you...-"

Jungkook stared at Taehyung. So did the others.

"M-me?" Taehyung was bewildered.

Jungkook could only give him a small smile, a smile that hide so much.

"He's here for Taehyung."

Jimin and Jin who only just found out were questioning as to why they wanted taehyung so much. At first they thought they wanted him because he was close to Jungkook and could use him as he's his most praised possession. But now, there was more to it.

"What are you saying Jungkook?" Jin asked curious.

He sighed.

"Taehyung, the guys who are after you works for your father."

"What- there's no way. My father is back home, he's not my father this can't-

Jungkook cut him off.

"It is true. Your father his 'him', so he fancy to call himself. The people you once live with aren't your real parents. Instead, they are actually your anuty and uncle of your mother's side."

Taehyung was bewildered to speak.

Jungkook went on to explain what his father told him. Everything was spoken.

Jimin went on to say, " so you're saying Taehyung has a sister and that sister and him are from a powerful Mafia family of the past. We as of date have no recollection of them as they have changed their whereabouts and have been anonymous are more likely, thought to have been dead.''

"Yes. The only lead is that he has come to take back his children and their new organization is called Scorpion, father said."

Jimin looked at Taehyung who was still processing everything.

"Tae are you okay?" Jimin asked concerned.

"Yeah... I'm fine. Just a little shocked..." He gave a small smile.

"So what do we do?" Namjoon asked.

"We find Kai and capture him. Catch the mole, prevent the hole from being dug." Jungkook gave his answer.

"But isn't he aware that we know about him already?" Jin asked.

"I Doubt it." Yoongi answered.

"If that is so, we've thus far gone unnoticed. But what's the plan?" Hoseok added.

"I'll do it." Taehyung let out.

"What? Out of the question." Jungkook let out.

"Look Jungkook. If what you said is true then I'm the best bet you guys have. As you've said it, My father is here for me and is possibly looking for my sister as well. If that's right, then Kai is the spy in his stead to take me home. I'm the right person for this job.''

"No. I will not allow it. And that's finale."

Taehyung got up and slammed his hand on the table.

"I know that your trying to protect me Jungkook but in protecting me you'll be getting the others hurt. Let me do it!" Taehyung let out in one go.

The others said nothing.

Jungkook just looked at him bewildered. Taehyung knew he wouldn't agree no matter what he did so he just left the table, about to leave the room-

"Guards!" Jungkook called out.

The guards appeared as ordered.

"Take Taehyung to his room and guard him well." He gave his order.

Taehyung tsk.

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