Chap 49: Meeting with Mr. Manoban

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Third pov

"Sir are you sure about this?"

"Of course I am. Namjoon this is the first time you ever question my choice for the course of action so why is this?"

"I didn't mean to judge your judgment sir but..."


"You know what Mr. Manoban wants don't you?"

"I am aware Namjoon. What about it?"

"Well, I know you know the only reason why he's calling this meeting is to introduce his daughter. In this act, he hopes to his plan in mind to let his daughter caught your eye. By doing this he feels as if he'll have control of Bangtan."

"I know this well Namjoon."

"Then why sir. Why agree to this meeting."

"You'll see soon Namjoon. For now, set things for the meeting at hand."

"Yes sir."


[Moment of meeting]

Taehyung was yet again not with Jungkook. Jungkook was alone in a private meeting with Mr. Manoban in one of his casinos.

"Hello, Mr. Jeon." Mr. Manoban greeted Jungkook after finally arriving.

Jungkook was seated on his red throne in his private room (which they are currently having their meeting.) 

"Greetings Mr. Manoban." Jungkook greeted back with a professional face.

Mr. Manoban was before Jungkook standing, after his little greeting he took his seat across from Jungkook on a red leather couch. Two guards were standing tall on either side of Jungkook's throne as Mr. Manoban had non; he was in Jungkook's territory after all.

"I'm glad that you accepted a meeting with me Mr. Jeon."


"I know you must be busy so let's get down to business."

"Know you're speaking my language."

*They went on to discuss business*

"What do you think of my offer."

"'s tempting but I'm not interested."

"W-what? Why?"

"There is no need for you to know the details but get the idea."

"Mr. Jeon if you just-

"Is my answer not good enough Mr. Manoban." Jungkook's tone was cold. it was saying, 'drop it'.

Mr. Manoban was quiet.

"Is that all Mr. Manoban?"

"Yes sir."

"Then I'll be taking my leave first."

Mr. Manoban stood up and shake Jungkook's hand and later left the room. Mr. Manoban was the only one left in the room, seated while coming up with another plan.

"I must come up with another strategy."

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