Chap 53: Space

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Third pov

Taehyung is still in his room which he shared with Jungkook. His eyes were teary as ever, reddish and puffy. He's been crying for a long time now and no one came to see him since what happened a few minutes ago.

Jungkook had moved from his previous spot in the living room and made his way to his office, where he sat around his desk, drinking whisky and drowning himself in paperwork. Wanting to ease his mind off his mistakes as it's not yet time for him to talk to Taehyung as he knew the blond head male wouldn't be ready to see him. 

This was suggested by Yoongi as he felt Jungkook needed to give him time to cry away his pain, the one Jungkook caused. ''If the victim were to see the person who caused him pain at this moment, he'd be in worse pain,'' this saying doesn't apply to everything in the current situation, but this is a situation that it's intended. Yoongi stated so before leaving Jungkook in the living room.


Jimin and Hoseok were at the minibar a few hallways down the east of the mansion, but west to the living room. A bartender served them the alcoholic drinks they ordered.

3 drinks in and they were now talking about Taehyung and Jungkook situation with that sudden appearance of that unknown woman whose name there yet to know, except Namjoon.

"I can't believe Jungkook did Taehyung of all people." Jimin blurred out after taking a sip of his tikela. 

Hoseok to his left nodded. " I saw that look in Jungkook's eye once Taehyung's hand slapped his cheek. It was filled with regret and my eyes, he didn't mean it but stills..."

Jimin sighed as he placed his drink back down. "I can only imagine the pain he's feeling right now..the feeling of betrayal.."

"Betrayal?... Do you know what that feeling is like Jimin?" Hoseok was curious.

Jimin cleared his throat. "umm.."

"Come on Jimin, don't be shy, spill~" Hoseok was eager to know more.

Jimin thought about it, he knew what he was about to say, he planned it in his head and then spoke.

"I know what it feels like because I've been through it, well currently. Though our situations may not be the same, it's about love no? He feels betrayed that his lover showed ''compansion'' before his eyes to another, while I feel betrayed with not being able to be seen as what I want to be seen as by a  special someone to me...I'm nothing more than.. a friend.." Jimin took one more sip, finishing what's left of his drink.


His cup was empty as he felt inside as well. He was now one with the cup. He turned his head to his left and saw that Hoseok was staring at him with concern and worry.

"I must look pathetic to you huh?.." Jimin asked staring back at him.

" aren't," Hoseok responded with a straight face. Eyes not moving away from Jimin's eyes.

Jimin felt the heat from within and looked away, knowing what he feels can never be returned back to was a one-sided love for him.

"I'm gonna go check up on him.." Jimin let out, about to get off his seat, stumbling almost.

Hoseok held his arm securely to prevent the almost to befall.

"Be careful Jimin," Hosoek warned him, his toned seemed sad.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it."

Hoseok didn't let go.

Jimin looked at him again, giving him a smile this time.

"Trust me...I'm okay."

Hosoek didn't buy it but neither the less let him go.

Jimin was set free and went on his way, disappearing from Hoseoks sight through the corner of his eyes.

"I'm so helpless..."

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