Chap 14: Final test

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Third pov

It was Taehyung and the rest of the trainees final day of training and so, they'll be given their final test. This will determine where they best belong and how far they need to go, depending on where they want to be.

The trainees lined up in the trainee hall, here all the caporegimes stood, side by side, looking down on their students from their high tower above.

Hoseok, The Caporegime of Booming, stood to the left, facing the trainees.

Jimin, The Caporegime of Combat stood in the middle, facing the trainees.

Yoongi, the Caporegime of Hacking stood to the right, facing the trainees.

The underboss, Namjoon came from nowhere, standing before all the Caporegime.

"Good day everyone, I  hope you all slept well."

"As you all should know, today will be your final training as a trainee under this mafia organization. You are expected to be at your best and prove yourself by showing us your skills."

"All skills will be tested and all will be to determine where you stand with us as a apart of The Bangtan Mafia Empire"

"Sir yes sir"

"Now prove yourself."

"Sir yes sir."

Taehyung's pov

After Namjoon's motivational speech, the test then had finally begun. Each caporegime came forward and instructed us on what should be expected and done. The first test was close combat.

We were assigned into pairs to fight each other. It was a matter of skills, talent, willpower, and muscles. I had to stay focus to win this, I can't back down now are we ever.

I was assigned to a thickly built guy, he looked intimating and scary, all the more reason I needed to win this to prove myself to the higher-ups. By winning this, I'll prove that even though I may look small and fragile, I'm still a man who's got the balls to kick another's ass.

After being set into pairs, one by one we all fight until it was our turn.

We got into our positions. A  guy in all black who stood o the sidelines raised his hands and dropped it down, shouting 'FIGHT!'

With the signal, we went head to head toe to toe. 

He was strong, no doubt. He got one hell of a pouch to him, but too bad for him, I not only had the skills, but I also had the brain as well. 

Once I saw him coming, I observed the situation, his positions, and direction on where he wanted to land the pouch. Without a second to waste, I dodged his pouch and fist him in the gut, making him gasped for air. I waited not for him to recover and kicked in his knee, making him fall to the ground. I stood on top of him and punched him over and over and over again. He was bleeding at this point.

The man in all black who told us to fight told me to stop and so I did.

I got up off him and went back to my position.

My trainee mates began to clap their hands, cheering on my fight with the other guy bleeding out.

Neither the less, the said guy I fought was taken away by some guards on stand-by and left with him to the doctor.

I was seated next to my roommates and Jisoo and we talked.

"Damn Tae. I think you killed him." Jisoo let out.

"I wonder what he did to you" Jay chuckled and spoke.

"That was great Hyung" Yeonjun complimented me.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"I must know your ways Hyung, I have so much to learn" Soobin spoke.

I just chuckled at my friends.


Third pov

"Damn! I wonder what grudged he had with the guy" Hoseok let out, amazed by Taehyung's fight

"I know right. He was amazing" Jimin added

"You can say that again."- Yoongi went joined in.

"Even though he was small and looked fragile when it came to the guy before him, he still kicked his ass, not to mention in a brutal way too" Namjoon added.

"I think he might be best in the close combat until" Jimin spoke, tone proud.

"Yah! we haven't only seen him perform in close combat, why are you trying to hugged him all to us?" Hoseok spoke, not liking Jimin taking the Taehyung instead of him. He got talent.

"Quite you too, let's not fight, we should let Jungkook decide..after all, he's here watching him " Namjoon spoke.


"Quite amusing Taehyung, I'm impressed~"-Jungkook smirked.

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