Chap 86: Calm before the storm

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Third pov

It was the very next day after Kai went to visit his master/father. It was putting the plan into motion, in motion as to get Taehyung to meet the said master of his.

Unsure as to how he'll make this possible without Jungkook and the other's noticing, he was deep in his thoughts.

His back leaning onto the wall of the study for all who choose to enter. He stood there in silence, his head leaning in. With his eyes closed and mind elsewhere, he didn't notice Taehyung's presence.

"Hi Kai!" Taehyung exclaimed with a slow voice.

This frightened Kai a bit.

"H-Hi Hyung. You scared me for a sec." His tone nervous

Taehyung was a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry about that, it's just that, you seemed to be out of it."

"Was I?... Sorry...I guess I have a lot on my mind lately..."

"Like what?" He Taehyung asked curiously.

"Just...some stuff..." Kai looked at Taehyung's expression and he knew he had to think of something nonsuspicious.

"...Missions and stuff...nothing too big."

"ahhhh...I see."


"Well, don't think too hard, You've spent quite a long time I heard doing this, just relax and fulfill your missions as it's a piece of cake." He smiled at Kai.

Kai knew what he meant but strangely, it sort of resonated with the actual reason of him being here all these years, for his master.

"Thank you Taehyung really put things in perspective for me, thanks." Kai made a wide and cheerful smile.

Taehyung tapped his shoulders playfully. "I'm glad I could help." A smile and left.


"Now then...where do we begin boys..."-Bogum

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