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     Already at the beach, I kept my headset on while Daniel and Freddy played soccer with other boys that were introduced to us by Freddy. I listened to my Walkman, humming along to 'Should I Stay Or Should I Go' by The Clash, once in a while looking over to the stares that the group of girls would give. I moved my headset to my neck as Daniel came up to me.

"Why don't you go hang out with them?" He asked, taking a sip of his water that was sitting next to me. I shrugged, looking back to the water. 

"Not my scene."

"No girls are ever your scene, are they?" He jokes, smiling as he tilts back the bottle. I rolled my eyes, not really interested in conversing with other people.

"Speaking of, I think that one is staring." I motioned to the one blonde girl that stared our way, clearly at Daniel. Daniel turned back to the girl who smiled shyly and looked down at her hands.

"Who's that?" He asked.

I scoffed, "You think I know?" He looked at me before shaking his head and grabbing Freddy as he passed by.

"Hey, who's the blonde in blue?" He asked, not removing his eyes from the girl.

Freddy looked at where he was directing and scoffed, "The Hills."

"What's The Hills?"

"Rich," Freddy responded before laughing lightly. "Good luck with that one, man."

Later when we began to roast hot dogs over the bonfire, Freddy kneeled in between Daniel and me, "Think she has the hots for you." He says to him.

"Think so?"

"Who could blame her?" Freddy asked. "Why don't you make a move on her?"

"Nah, man, I'm eating!"

They continued to bicker back and forth until I made the move to grab the ball and toss it to the group. The girls looked at me weirdly and I discreetly pointed to Daniel. Danny looked at me, giving me a 'what the fuck' look before standing up and holding his hands up in defense. "Alright, alright, I'm going." 

I smiled as Daniel taught her how to bounce the ball on her knee. I sighed, looking around again and my eyes landed on the hill entry where a group of five guys sat on their motorcycles. I nudged Freddy, "Hey, who are they?" I asked him, pointing to the group who were looking down on us before getting ready to come down. 

I saw a look of worry cover his features, "Oh, shit." He cursed.

When they came down, Freddy was quick to pull me to the side and beside him. "Those are the cobras. They're the group that do karate at the Cobra Kai Dojo." He told me quietly as the boy with the blonde floppy hair -who was extremely attractive- angrily walked over to the girl Daniel was with. After a bit of arguing, he tossed the girl's radio while she pushed him harshly. Daniel tried to pick it up while the guy began snapping at him. I confidentially began walking over, "Noelle, are you crazy?!" I ignored Freddy and continued to walk over, just as the guy roughly gave Danny the radio. 

"Danny, are you insane?! Don't cause problems already!" I told him, yanking his arm. 

"Aw, you're little girlfriend is sticking up for you, now?" The guy asked. 

I rolled my eyes, still looking at Danny. "Danny, please. Do not fight this asshole." I pleaded. 

"Who do you think you're calling an asshole?!" He growled.

"Johnny, stop it!" The girl pleaded, trying to get away from the guy holding her back. 

"They started it!" Daniel took the time to push me aside and push this guy, that the girl called Johnny.

They began fighting, Daniel losing miserably, and it resulted in Johnny staring at me longer than necessary. "What about you, Princess? You next?" 

"Get away from her!" Daniel shouted from his place on the ground. 

Johnny ignored him, still keeping his gaze, "I wouldn't waste my time on you, even if we were the last people on this damn planet, jackass." I glared, crossing my arms. The girl was finally released from one of the minions and stood in front of Johnny, pushing him away from me. 

"Why do you always have to fight, huh?!"

"Bullshit, you saw the entire damn thing!" Johnny snapped, finally looking away from me. "Get your bikes." He instructed the minions. As they got their bikes, I sighed, going to Daniel finding the girl already by his side and trying to help him. I looked back to the group and found Johnny already staring at me. He winked, a small smirk taking over his lips before taking off with the rest following him. 

"Hey, I'm sorry about what happened." The girl told me, a look of guilt in her eyes as she played with her fingers.

I shook my head, "No, it's okay. It's not your fault." 

"But it is. He's my ex and if it weren't for that, Daniel wouldn't be hurt." She said. "And who's to say that it won't happen again?"

"Look, don't worry about it, alright? I'm sure that if he even tries, I can crush his ego at the first glance." I assured with a smile. She chuckled, looking back at him.

"Is he going to be alright?"

"Oh yeah, he'll be fine," I replied, sticking my hands into my back pockets. "I'm Noelle, Daniel's twin." I introduced, sticking out my hand.

"Twin? Wow, you wouldn't have guessed it at first glance." She chuckled shaking my hand.

"We get that a lot."

"Well, I'm Ali. With an 'i'. I suppose you're new?" 

I nodded, sticking my hand back into my pocket. "You can say that."

"Well, welcome to Los Angeles. Consider me as your guide around."

"Thanks, Ali." I smiled, "I'll make sure that Daniel still goes to school tomorrow."

"Then I'll see you guys then." 

I nodded, "Yep."

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well, there's johnny johnny [yes pa pa]. hope you all enjoyed it! like i said before, it'll be the movie, but at the same time it won't, so it'll be a bit different from the usual :)

i'll see you guys in the next chapter, 

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All the love, C. xx

TEENAGE DIRTBAG | 𝑗. 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 ✔Where stories live. Discover now