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     When the end of the day came around, Johnny looked physically better and he said he did, so that was good. Johnny drove me home, as always. "Wanna come in?" I asked him. "I think Mom's home and we can have some dinner." 

Johnny nodded, "That sounds nice." He smiled. I smiled back and we both got out of the car, grabbing our things. 

"How about some studying?" I suggested, looking through the notes for Chemistry. "You know how brutal his quizzes are. 

Johnny nodded, leaning over my shoulder to take a look at the notes. "Oh, yeah. I don't even remember learning anything about these." He said, pointing to a section of the notes. 

We walked up the stairs to the apartment and walked in. As predicted, Mom was in the kitchen. "Hey, Ma." I greeted, walking in with Johnny behind me. 

"Hi, kids." She smiled. "Johnny, nice to see you again."

"You too, Lucille." Johnny smiled.

"Me and Johnny were going to do some studying," I told her. "The Chemistry quizzes are almost impossible to pass." I chuckled. 

Mom laughed, looking back at the stove. "No problem. I'll call you two when dinner's ready." She smiled. 

Johnny and I walked to my bedroom, I closed the door behind us so that we wouldn't get distracted. "Ooh, closing the door already, are we?" Johnny wiggled his eyebrows as he looked at me. 

I rolled my eyes, placing my backpack on the bed and going to my radio, and turning it on. "Shut up, Lawrence. We're only studying." I told him, walking to the bed and sitting down. He laughed, sitting beside me and setting his backpack down.

"So, where do we start?" He asked, taking out his textbook. 

I shrugged, taking out my notes. "Uh, Atomic Structure?" I suggested, looking through my notes to find the section about it. I pulled out my index cards and handed them to him. 

"You seriously have flashcards?" He asked with raised brows. 

"I take my education seriously, Johnny. I have loads of them." I told him. "Now, just ask me the questions and I'll do the same to you with another topic," I instructed, crossing my legs and putting my hands in my lap. 

"Okay," Johnny cleared his throat and sprawled out across my bed. "This is the smallest unit of substance, it's the smallest component of an element, having the chemical properties of the element. It consists of a nucleus that contains-"

"An atom," I answered.

Johnny looked at me before flipping the flashcard around to reveal the answer. "You're right." He said. "Honestly, I don't see why you need to study, Elle. You're going to pass anyway." He said.

"I like to study."

"You like to study?" He screwed his face up and let out a sarcastic gag. "That's disgusting!" 

I rolled my eyes, "It's a good habit to have, Johnny." 

"Fine." He said, now back to normal. "But we have to make this a little more interesting for me to actually try." 

"Alright, what's your motivation, Mister Lawrence?" I said in a mocking voice.

"Every time you get an answer wrong, you strip off a piece of clothing. Every time you get it right, vise versa." 

I felt my eyes widen at his offer. "Are you insane!?" I whisper shouted. "There's no way-"

"Come on, it'll be fun." He smirked, changing the card and laying on his side. 

"No, Johnny-"

"This person is the "Father of Atomic Theory". His ideas were so brilliant that they have remained intact up to the present time and have only been slightly corrected." He looked up at me. "Who is it?"

Damn, I don't know this one. I remember reading about it, but I couldn't remember the name. Was it Humphry Davy? Or Joseph Priestley? I sighed in defeat. "Uh, Linus Pauling?" I guessed. He turned the card over, hissing as he shook his head. "It wasn't? Then who was it then?"

"John Dalton is the correct answer, Elle." He smirked.

Of course! Dalton's Atomic Theory! How couldn't I get that? "That's what I meant." I chuckled nervously.

"That's not what you said." His fingers began to unbutton an invisible shirt. It took me a second to actually know what he meant. "No. NO!" 

"No? You need help?" In a playful manner, he pushed me back against the pillows and kissed me lightly. I giggled against his lips as he smiled, pushing a strand of my hair back and behind my ear. Both my hands reached up and cupped his face as he kissed me.

I swear, this boy never failed to make my stomach erupt in butterflies and my heart do flips. 

His hand went from the side of my face and down my jaw and neck to my collar and began to play with the first couple buttons of my sweater. I pulled back, shaking my head, feeling guilty. "I... Johnny, we can't. My mom is just in the other room and..." I sighed. I knew I wanted to do it, especially with Johnny, but I didn't feel ready. And to add to that, my first time was not going to be in an apartment with thin walls with my mom on the other side. That would be just not good. 

"It's alright." He said quietly, moving his hand away from my sweater. "I mean, it's not like we were going to do the actual thing right now." He joked. I rolled my eyes, laughing before looking back up at him and his crystal eyes. 

"You're an idiot, Johnny Lawrence," I told him softly.

"You're beautiful, Noelle LaRusso." He smiled back.

I felt my face heat up as he got up off me and back to the flashcards. I sat up, letting my thoughts cloud my mind instead of actually focusing on the questions he asked. 

What in the world just happened? 

"Kids, the dinner's ready!" Mom called. 

I looked at Johnny. "That's our cue."

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hi, sorry i didn't post yesterday. lowkey, i was trying to put this chapter off because i was not ready to write it. but to make up for it, i'll post a double update today since the next chapter is ready and with a surprise for those of you who have been asking. try guessing what it is before i post it!!

and off topic, i edited myself with the weasley twins and ngl, i think me and fred would make a not bad couple, lol

also, stranger things, season one, am i right?? ;)

see you all soon, love you! thank you for 7k!

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All the love, C. xx

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