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     After a couple of days with a really sore bottom half and trying my hardest to hide it from everyone, I was finally able to walk without a limp and finally go back to normal. Of course, I'd never be the same after it. I had sex. Like real sex. It's still weird to admit to myself. We were off for Winter Break now, marking it two days before the All-Valley. 

Johnny is a nervous wreck. He may not show it, but I know he is. He has that look in his eyes while we're at the dojo, the one that says 'I'm going to get killed'. What ticked me off the most was how Sensei treated them as the day drew closer. He could see the worry and fear in their eyes, then why treat them in a way as he does? 

Tomorrow was the All-Valley and I can tell how hard Johnny and Daniel have been working for it. They've been spending many hours practicing that I almost haven't even seen them all that much. But, I understood. They wanted to win the tournament and they have the rights in the world to. 

After school on the last day before Winter Break, Johnny asked if I wanted to join him and the cobras to a celebratory dinner. I agreed, seeing that I was hungry myself and I did want to wish them all luck. I placed my skateboard and my bag in the backseat with Johnny's followed and tied my seat belt. "I can't believe the All-Valley is tomorrow." I smiled. "I've been wanting to see you in action."

"You've seen me in action." Johnny chuckled, driving with his left hand while his right was holding my hand. 

"I know, but like real action. Tournament action." 

Johnny laughed, "You're making zero sense."

I scoffed jokingly, rolling my eyes. "Well sorry. I'm trying to talk through excitement, Johnny! I've never been to these types of tournaments. What're they like?" I asked him desperately. 

"You'll just have to wait and see." He smirked. "And besides. You'll be front row, won't you?"

I nodded, "Yep! To cheer on Daniel." Johnny let out a gasp, causing me to laugh, feeling my stomach do flips as he smiled while I laughed.

"I love your laugh." He sighs happily as we pull into the parking lot of a diner. 

"Well, you'll be hearing a lot more of it," I told him, booping his nose and jumping out of the car. He laughed, getting out himself and meeting me in front of the car. 

We walked inside, finding the cobras at a booth, all huddled and talking quietly among themselves. We walked up to them, "Hey guys." Johnny greeted. They immediately stopped their conversation, looking up at us. "You alright?"

"Uh, Noelle, maybe you should sit down for this," Tommy said softly.

"Um, alright.." I sat down beside Jimmy, watching them all closely. "Is everything alright?"

Bobby shifted a bit uncomfortably, "Um, you know we love you like a sister, right?"


"The thing is.."

TEENAGE DIRTBAG | 𝑗. 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 ✔Where stories live. Discover now