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      The next night, I got myself dressed. I admired the outfit that Dad chose in the mirror. The light blue jeans fit me perfectly and the white t-shirt fit surprisingly a bit long. I tucked it in and then slipped on the jean jacket that was the same color as the jeans and then matched it with my white sneakers. I only clipped my hair back with a couple of pins and smiled at my reflection. I couldn't deny the fact that I was nervous because, throughout this all, my stomach erupted in butterflies and did many somersaults. 

I was just about to walk out until I stopped and went back to retrieve the letter for Johnny. I sat on the couch and unfolded the paper. 

Hello to the person who is taking my daughter out on her first date.

I trust that Noelle isn't reading this.

I stopped. I shouldn't read it. It's strictly between Dad and Johnny. I sighed, folding the paper again and shaking my head at the goofy smile that I had. I was actually going on my first date and I was actually going on it with Johnny. I looked up when the knock on the door sounded. Oh my God. Here we go. My first real date. 

I stood up and walked to the door. I unlocked it, opened it, and saw Johnny. He had his hair the same way as always and hand his hands stuffed into his black pants. He wore a white t-shirt and his red leather jacket over it. He looked extremely handsome, I must say. "Hi." I smiled.

"Hey. You look great." He said, a smile appearing as he looked at me. 

I chuckled, looking down and back up at him as I felt my cheeks warm. "Thanks. Oh, uh." I handed him the letter, "That's for you."

"For me? I'm the one who writes notes." He told me, taking the paper.

I giggled, "Uh, it's not from me." He gave me a confused look, "It's from my dad."

I brought him inside and offered him to sit down while he read the letter. I stood in front of him as he smiled and chuckled while reading Dad's scribbled words. He smiled, folding the letter and standing up. "Wow." He sighed. 

"How was it? Was it an interrogation?" 

Johnny laughed, shaking his head. "No." 

"Did he scold you?"


"Then what happened?"

Johnny laughed, putting his arm around my shoulders and guiding us out. "That's for me to know and you not to worry about."

When we got to Golf N' Stuff, the first thing we did was go get something to eat. I got a burger and fries and Johnny got the same. We ate and talked about ourselves, more than what we already knew, and he told me memories from his childhood like when he got his hand taped to the table by Dutch. He told me about his mom and how he looks up to her a lot. I told him about my dad and told him that when he took me fishing one day, he fell off the boat. 

TEENAGE DIRTBAG | 𝑗. 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 ✔Where stories live. Discover now