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     "Hey, champ!" I turned around, finding Daniel jogging up to me, throwing an arm across my shoulders. "Heard what you did. Glad I didn't hold you back." He says as we continued to walk to the cafeteria. 

"Hm... it was nothing." I smiled. "Been wanting to do that for a while now," I admitted. 

"Hey, guys." Ali greets, coming up to us. 

"Hey." I smiled. 

"How you doing," Daniel spoke with a smile.

Ali smiled, "I'm doing great. Anything new?" 

"Oh yeah, my sister, here, a superhero is what she is," Daniel said proudly.

"Oh yeah! You hit Johnny, didn't you?" Ali asked me, holding onto her books. 

I nodded, proud of the accomplishment. "Sure did. Needed to smack some sense into him." I shrugged, trying not to show off too much pride. "I was telling Daniel that I've been wanting to do it." 

Ali nodded, "Oh, you did me a favor. Been wanting to do something ever since the beach." I chuckled as we arrived at the cafeteria. 

As we got closer to our next class, a couple of people congratulated me on the hit to Johnny. I didn't know how to reply, so I only said thanks. What else was I supposed to say? 'Oh yeah, no problem. Needed to show Satan that he doesn't rule the goddamn school'?  Of course, I wouldn't tell them that! And I didn't want to draw too much attention to myself. All I did was hit him for picking on my brother. It's not like I saved them from the Joker or Harley Quinn.

A  C O U P L E  W E E K S  L A T E R

     "So, are you guys going to the Halloween Dance tonight?" Ali asked as we sat down for lunch.

I shrugged, "Not sure. Dances were never really my scene." I admitted, setting my backpack down. 

"Oh come on. You should come! It'll be fun." She smiled. 

Daniel shook his head, "I'm not into dancing." He says. "And I don't feel like it, anyway."

Ali groaned, "Come on. What'll it take to get you two to come?" She was practically begging for us to come, and I felt bad saying no, but what I said was the truth. I never liked dances or proms. Even in Jersey, I always sat out. 

"You could go with me," Daniel smirked at Ali. Her cheeks began to heat up as she smiled at him before nodding. 

"Alright, I'll go with you." She smiled. 

I rolled my eyes, pretending to be disgusted. "Ew, guys. I'm trying to eat my lunch." I joked, causing both of them to laugh while Daniel blushed. Of course, I wasn't disgusted by what was going on in front of my eyes. Their relationship was the cutest thing, almost as cute as two puppies playing with each other. It almost made me wish I had a guy in my life like that. 

Now both of them looked at me expectantly. "What?"

"Daniel's coming. So, are you in?" Ali smiled at me while Daniel discreetly nodded, almost in a begging manner. 

I sighed in defeat. "Okay, okay! I'll go." I said. "Only if Daniel promises to not do anything stupid." I pointed to Daniel. 

He held a hand at his chest with a fake gasp, "I would never!"

"But we don't even have costumes," I said, putting the spoon of mac-n-cheese in my mouth. "I mean, I can probably pick something out from my closet, but what about you, Danny?"

Daniel began to think, his eyes almost lighting up in realization. "Mister Miyagi can help me, I think."

"Isn't he the one who fixed your bike?" I questioned. 

Daniel nodded fast, "Yeah! I'm sure he has some idea of what I can do."

I nodded, "Alright then, it's settled. We'll go to the dance." Ali clapped excitedly. 

"Hey, LaRusso!" Both Daniel and I turned to our name being called to find the blonde storming his way over to us. My heart began to speed up, the closer he got to us. Was he going to get his revenge on me? He got to me, putting a hand on the back of my chair and one on the table, now hovering over me. I leaned back a little, not very comfortable with how close our faces were. "You. Me. Dance tonight. Okay?"

I scoffed mockingly. "Is this your attempt to ask me to the dance?"

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not asking. I'm telling you." He spoke sternly. I ignored the shivers going down my back at the way his breath fanned my face and continued to stand my ground.

"Well, I'm telling you no." 




"Because you're an asshole," I answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

He sighed, still keeping his face an inch from mine, not removing his crystals for eyes from my plain brown ones. "You know, I'm not all that bad." He said lowly, causing goosebumps to appear on my arms.

"Yeah? I'd like to see you prove that theory because from what I've seen, you're just a teenage dirtbag who makes my brother's life a living hell." I spat, narrowing my eyes at him. 

He chuckled, almost evilly, "Hm... I think you'll regret saying no." He smirked. 

"Will I? Why's that?" I challenged.

"I know you want me." 

I laughed, those goosebumps and effects from before were still a mystery to me. I didn't know why I got them, but all I knew, was that I hated this douche with every ounce in my body. I didn't care for his money, for his popularity, I've only ever wanted a sweet guy who'd treat me and my family well. And from what I know, he's treated my brother like trash and hates my guts as much as I hate his. "You're on something if you think that's true." I taunted. 

"Oh yeah? Are we gonna ignore the goosebumps here?" He began to run his fingertips down my arm. 

"Hey, quit it, man," Daniel said, standing up, only to be pushed down back into his seat by Dutch. 

Johnny didn't remove his eyes from mine as he smirked when goosebumps reappeared after his fingers. "You sure about that?" He whispered. 

I rolled my eyes, pushing him back. "Leave me alone, Johnny. I'm not going with you to the dance and I most certainly do not have feelings for you." I told him as I was finally able to breathe now that he wasn't as close to me as he was before. 

He chuckled, "Alright then, fine. I'll be here if you need me." He winked before walking off with his minions following him, laughing at the scene that just happened. 

"The nerve he has. I swear, if I could, I would rip him to pieces." Daniel shook his head.

What the hell just happened.

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they're not gonna date yet, i swear. i don't make my characters date at the first ten chapters >:)

also, thanks so much for 342 reads!! just the other day i was excited for 140, you guys are amazing!! love you all!!

i'll see you guys in the next chapter,

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All the love, C. xx

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