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     On Sunday, Mom worked and Daniel was training with Mister Miyagi. Being that it was still the beginning of November and there was still such thing as school, I was studying for the quizzes this week. I was already expecting the temperature to drop, only then, I remembered that I was in California. There was no such thing as cold.

I looked up from my textbook as I heard a knock on the door. I furrowed my brows before putting my pencil down and scooting off the bed. I wasn't expecting anybody, then who was it? Mail? Maybe Daniel forgot his key? I looked through the peephole, almost regretting getting out of my bed for this. "Elle, I know you're there," Johnny said through the door. I groaned quietly. I wasn't really planning on having a Johnny encounter today, so this just kind of ruined my day. 

I hesitated a little before rolling my eyes and unlocking the door. I opened the door, finding him standing in a pair of black pants, a white tee, and his red jacket over it. "How did you know this is my apartment?" I asked him immediately. He pointed down the stairs, and I found the old lady with a cigarette in her mouth and the dog underneath her chair, trying to hide from the sun. I sighed, "Come in." I opened the door wider for him to walk in and closed the door behind him. "What do you want?" I crossed my arms, waiting for him to speak. 

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday." He says slowly. "It was disrespectful for us to talk so lowly of your family and we shouldn't have told your mom those things." He spoke softly, looking up and meeting my eye.

"You practiced that, didn't you?" I raised a brow.

Johnny chuckled, "Is it that obvious?"


Johnny laughed lightly, "I really am sorry though, Elle. It wasn't right that we said what we said. I come on behalf of the boys too, they said that they were sorry too." 

I nodded, biting back the little grin that was about to show. "Thank you, Johnny. I appreciate your apology." I finally smiled.

"So, what are we going to do?" He asked, referring to the contract.

I shrugged, "Not sure.." I told him. "Daniel and I haven't made up yet, so we're gonna have to stay together until we do." 

"We can always plan a double date with Ali and your brother." He suggests with a smirk.

I snorted, "Yeah, they'll totally love that idea." I replied sarcastically. "You still planning to make Ali jealous?" I ask.

"I mean... it'd be nice if it worked. Maybe we can even play out a breakup." He joked. I scoffed, shaking my head and trying to suppress my smile. Nowadays when I've been hanging out with Johnny, we've learned about the things that make us happy or laugh, and now, he doesn't stop. It's not that I'm complaining, he was a very nice guy when you got to know him and be around him, so it was nice when he was happy.

"So, what's the plan for the week, Mister Lawrence?" I asked him as we sat on the couch. 

"Um... this weekend is that party I told you about, with my family." He said. 

"Oh, Lord. I hate parties." I said.

"Ah, don't worry about it. It's just Sid that wants us to go." He said. "Who knows what he'll do if we don't." He muttered, thinking I didn't hear.


He looked up at me, humming. "Nothing." He shook his head, then started to speak again. "Anyway, just dress nice." He continued. I nodded, what did he mean by nice?

"On a scale of one to ten, how fancy?"

He began to think, "Uh... about a five or six." 

I nodded, "Alright, got it." 

"What about during the week?" I ask him. 

"Same as how we've been doing. I'll write you notes, we'll walk together, all that. Why? Do you have any schemes?" He quirked an eyebrow.

"No, I thought you would." 

Johnny shook his head, "No, I don't. We'll just go along with it." He offered.

I nodded, "Okay." I agreed. "Just one request?" I asked.


"Can you please not do anything stupid to my brother?" I ask him with hopeful eyes. "The reason we ended up fighting in the first place is that I made him promise me not to do anything stupid with you guys and he obviously didn't listen, so that's why I made up the revenge plot," I admitted. 

Johnny lets out a breath, "Whoa."

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Alright, I won't mess with him." He nods. 

"Promise?" I stuck my pinkie out, waiting for him to promise me. 

He hesitated a little before his pinkie locked with mine. "I promise."

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aw, look at them being all cuties

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All the love, C. xx

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