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     I was behind with Ali while Mom went back to our seats. "Daniel, what the hell are you doing? They said you can't fight!" I told him, finding him limping as he made his way to us.

"I don't care." He said back and I was quick to help him as we began our ways back to the ring.

"Ladies and gentleman, this is the moment we've been waiting for.." The announcer said holding the trophy with Johnny by his side. The way he was standing with his hands behind his back and his back straight, made me almost proud seeing him up there. Ali ran onto the mat, quickly interrupting the announcer before he can announce the winner. "What? Daniel LaRusso's gonna fight?" The crowd gasped, erupting into whispers.

"Honestly, Daniel. This is a two-man job!" I joked, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Shut up." We walked onto the mat, where I left him. 

"Daniel LaRusso's gonna fight! This is what it's all about, folks." He looked at Daniel. "How's the leg, son?" Daniel muttered a 'fine' and the announcer nodded. "All right. What a man! Final match to determine who'll emerge victory and be the champion of the All-Valley Under Eighteen Karate Championship..." I kind of zoned out as he continued and eyed Daniel as I bit my lower lip. 

The referee told them to face him and bow and when they faced each other, I met Johnny's eyes. I looked down, and back up, to find him in his fighting position with Daniel. Johnny threw the first kick, missing and continuing to throw kicks. Daniel successfully blocked them and found the perfect moment to punch him in the stomach. They gave the point to Daniel, Johnny sighed, going back to his starting point for round two.

I could tell Daniel told him something not very kind from the look on Johnny's face. He replied something that looked like "I didn't want to." and got into his fighting position. Johnny got Daniel to the ground, which Daniel dodged and pushed Johnny away with his good leg. Daniel got back up and got into his fighting position again. Daniel swept the leg and hit him in the back, earning the point. The referee called a time-out from the bloody nose Johnny had gotten and almost out of instinct, I was tempted to run to the cobras to see if he was alright. I resisted the urge to as his sensei wiped his nose and looked at him. 

He said something to him, which Johnny's face visibly paled at the words. He glanced at me for a second and looked back. Johnny went back onto the mat, glancing at me again. "I'm sorry." He mouthed. I bit my lip, already knowing that his sensei told him to do something terrible. The fight started, Johnny swept his leg, kicking Daniel in the face in the process. Johnny took the point and Daniel got back up. 

"Come on, Daniel," I muttered under my breath. 

They started up again, throwing punches at each other which eventually resulted in Daniel on the ground again. Daniel rolled himself away while Johnny took a step each time to get him. He got him, stepping on his stomach. They didn't give him the point. Daniel stood back up and they got in their starting positions again. Daniel threw punches, which Johnny dodged and eventually led him off the mat. They started up again, Johnny tripping Daniel and then they started throwing punches at each other again. 

Daniel threw him onto the floor and then he followed and Johnny hopped back up onto his feet. Daniel blocked Johnny's punches except for a punch that hit him in the face. I winced, almost feeling the pain myself. He stood back up and threw a kick with his bad leg. Johnny took his ankle and hit the inside of his knee with his elbow. Daniel stood back up, the referees made sure if he wanted to go on. 

"Come on, Danny. You got this." I muttered. Daniel let out a sigh as the referees warned Johnny for the illegal contact to his knee and lifted his arms and leg as Johnny got ready. Johnny looked at me again as my chin was resting on my folded hands. I know he saw the fear in my eyes because he sighed and kind of relaxed before getting back in the stance. "Please don't hurt him anymore, Johnny." I continued to plea to myself.

"Fight!" Johnny began to come closer to Daniel and he successfully hopped and kicked Johnny. Johnny fell to the ground, Daniel got the winning point. I smiled, running with Ali to congratulate Daniel. A bunch of people began to surround us and congratulate Daniel on his win. 

"You're alright, LaRusso," Johnny said, handing him the trophy. "You're alright." 

"Yeah, thanks, man," Daniel said, pain in his voice. I smiled, throwing my arms around Johnny. He took this to surprise but hugged me back. 

"Thank you so much, Johnny. You could've hurt him even more, but you didn't, and I'm so proud of you." I told him, standing in front of him with my arms still around his neck. He smiled, "I'm so proud of you." I told him.

He hugged me back, hiding his face in the crook of my neck. "I couldn't have done it without you there." He said.

"Your chunk of coal turned into a diamond, Johnny." I kissed his cheek, separating myself from him and feeling my eyes water. He laughed nervously as I wiped damp hair from his forehead. 

"We did it, Mister Miyagi! We did it!" Daniel cheered, holding the trophy with pride as the people carried him up. 

"We did it."

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so, originally, i planned to make noelle hate johnny for a while, but seeing that i love them too much, i couldn't resist. so. that's cool.

also, i forgot to tell you this, lol, but for the sake of the timeline for it to make sense, i made it a couple days from the original date just because if i didn't then the timeline would've gone wack and yeah. 

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All the love, C. xx

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