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     Hooray, school. Let me take a second to do a victory dance. I got up from bed, fixed it in the process, and went over to my wardrobe, taking out a red crop top and white pants. I slipped on my shoes with little struggle and grabbed my bag after succeeding. I brushed through my hair and continued to get ready, then went to the living area that was combined with a kitchen. 

"Morning, darling!" Mom chirped. I only groaned in response, not wanting to leave the comfort of my bed. "Oh, come on! It's the first day of school! At least be a little bit excited."

"You wouldn't be excited if you moved across the entire country and started a new school," I said, sitting down at the small table where she put down the plates with breakfast. 

"I would be, actually. I'd get to start fresh, and you're not the only one starting something new today, Noelle." She said, sitting in front of me to eat her own plate. "Where's your brother?"

I shrugged, shoving the eggs into my mouth. "Don't know. Getting ready, I suppose." 

"Did he come home last night?"

I nodded, gulping my juice. "Yeah." 

As if on cue, Daniel came in, wearing sunglasses over his eyes, to cover up the bruise that Johnny left last night, I suppose. His backpack in hand and only quickly passing by the table, grabbing a piece of toast and walking to the door. "You ready?"

"Yeah, sure, let me down my entire plate." I sassed.

"How was the party?" Mom asked as I stood up after finishing. 

"It was fine," Daniel replied. 

"It must've been more than fine, I didn't hear you two come in last night," Mom smirked. "Any friend material?"

"Some. We gotta go." I told her, getting to the door and meeting Daniel. 

"Eat first." 

"I'm not hungry," Danny replied. 

"Come on, you need energy."

"He has energy, Ma," I said, trying to cover for Daniel. Even though we fight and argue a lot, we still have our twin code where we always stick up for each other. Mom never understands how we can hate each other so much, but still be so supportive.

"Do me a favor." She says to him. "Take off the glasses." 


"Because I asked you to." She smiled. 

"It's California, it's the look, Ma-" I was cut off by Mom speaking again.

"I want to see your baby browns. I already saw your sister's, now I need to see yours to be satisfied."

"Not again with the baby browns-"

"Are you on something?"

"I'm on Minute Maid, Ma," Danny says, gulping some of the juice down and returning to the door. 

"Why hide your eyes?"

"Mom, you're making too big-"

"I'm not making a big deal of anything, Noelle." She says sternly.

"I'm not hiding anything, Ma." 

"Then, take off the glasses. Now."

Daniel sighed, looking at me. I only shrugged, I didn't have a say in what went on, I only tried helping. But, now it's come to Mom pointing at the table and looking at us with a glare. Now, it's scary.

Daniel sighed again, letting his shoulders slump as he finally took off the glasses. Mom gasped, coming to him and examining it while they exchanged a few words and sighing in defeat. "Alright, you two be safe. Take care of your sister." Mom says, kissing my cheek and then Daniel's.

"Ma, I don't need him to look after me," I said, swinging my bag over my shoulders.

"He's older, he has to."

"By two minutes, Ma!"

"Alright, go, you'll be late."

• • 

     As I arrived at my first class, late, might I add, I silently gave myself a pep talk to prepare myself for the stares of the kids in that class. Please, someone I know, please someone I know. I opened the door, making it loudly squeak and all the attention was moved to me. "Yes?" The teacher questioned, looking rather irritated. Was that 'cause of me, or just in general? I handed him my schedule without another word. 

"Sorry I'm late, the, uh, office ladies were having trouble finding my schedule..."

"New?" I nodded, almost hesitant. He nodded, looking back at the paper before handing it back to me. "Take a seat next to Mister Lawrence." 

I looked back, who the hell is Mister Lawrence? "Uh...where is that?" The teacher simply pointed and I followed, almost wanting to roll my eyes. By 'someone I know', I didn't mean 'someone I know' that beat the shit out of my brother! Seeing that that was the only available seat, I simply obliged, walking past a few desks and to the seat beside him. He had the classic smirk playing on his lips as I sat down, placing the backpack on the ground beside my feet. 

"Good to see you again, Princess." He said, leaning onto the table. I kept quiet, ignoring him as I tried to pay attention to whatever this teacher was saying, which was only going through one ear and out the other. "Are you angry 'cause I beat up your little boyfriend?" He mockingly pouted. 

"He isn't my boyfriend," I muttered, writing down on my paper whatever the teacher wrote on the board. 

"Sure? 'Cause from what I saw, you cared very deeply for him." He mocked. 

I rolled my eyes, wishing I can make him disappear with the snap of my finger. "I guess you could call it a sibling love," I spoke, emphasizing the word. Not even looking at him, I somehow knew that he was smirking. 

"Siblings? He's your brother?"

"My twin." 

He snorted, "Really? Hm, wouldn't have guessed." He shook his head. 

"So, I've been told," I mumbled. I don't know what it was, but something deep inside me wanted to beat the shit out of him, or at least do something to prove to him I wasn't a princess. "Now, if you don't mind, I need to pay attention." 

"Ah, don't worry about it. He doesn't really care, all of us are passing." He says, letting his head fall onto his hand as he looked at me. 

"I don't care if that really was the case or not, I have work to do." 

"Hard-worker." He smirked. "I like it."

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how are you guys? i hope you're doing well, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I loved it. just a reminder, feedback is MUCH appreciated, just please, kind of word it in a nice way, I'm a little bit sensitive... anyway, bye!


i'll see you guys in the next chapter,

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All the love, C. xx

TEENAGE DIRTBAG | 𝑗. 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 ✔Where stories live. Discover now