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     "Hey, you know, I've been thinking." Daniel was limping while I held his trophy as we walked out of the locker rooms. 

"Uh oh, that can't be good." I teased with a smirk. Daniel looked over at me. Mister Miyagi laughed, earning an eye roll from Daniel.

"About what, Daniel-san?" Mister Miyagi asked.

"Maybe we should have a strategy now, you know?"

"For what? To show how to get your knee hurt?" I asked.

Daniel rolled his eyes again, "Noelle, I'm trying to be serious for once." He said.

I snorted. "You serious? Ah, what a dream." I sighed.

"For what?" Mister Miyagi finally asked. 

"My future. My whole tournament career." He said.

"Miyagi already have one." Mister Miyagi said.

"Really? What is it?" Daniel asked.

"Early retirement." I broke out in laughter as Daniel gave a 'seriously?' look. "Come, Ali and mother wait for us at restaurant."

"Great, I'm starving." I sighed, patting my tummy. 

Surprisingly, Daniel got mobbed. People greeted and congratulated Daniel on his win. I looked around while yawning. I was tired. I mean really tired. I looked back at the two guys I was walking with, I saw Sensei Kreese and almost shook from the fear and anger I had towards him. He pushed the referee talking to Daniel and was almost told off, but he ignored it and fixed his jacket. He stepped in front of me and Daniel and towered over Mister Miyagi. I sensed that he probably glared or something before he walked off. 

I followed where he walked and found the cobras standing in front of a car. Johnny caught me looking and looked away. I cleared my throat, looking back to Daniel. "Could we have your autograph?" Two boys came up to us as they held out papers and pens.

"Yeah, man!" Daniel smiled, signing the first kid's paper. "So how you guys doing?" 


"You have a pretty sister." One said. 

I chuckled, looking back at Daniel. "Yeah, well, hands off, alright?" He teased.

"Daniel-san." Mister Miyagi says.


"Come. Getting late." 

"It's the price of fame, gotta get used to it," I said as we made our way to Mister Miyagi's old truck. We stood in front of it, Daniel and I looking up in the direction of the cobras.

".. that's no fair, I got second place." Johnny's voice said. 

"Second place is no place." Sensei Kreese growled. "You're off the team."

"I did my best!" Johnny argued. I felt myself frown as I looked back at Daniel. He was looking at me with the same look.

"What did you say?"

"I said, I did my best!"

"You're nothing. You lost. You're a loser." Sensei kept throwing insults at Johnny, making my heart drop.

"Mister Miyagi," I called quietly. He looked over at me.

"No, you're the loser, man," Johnny said back. 

"I... can you help them?" I asked softly.

"Oh, I'm the loser, huh?" Mister Miyagi held up his hand as a signal to wait. We looked back at the group. Sensei had the second place trophy in his hand and broke it in two easily. He tossed it over the car, "Now, who's the loser."

"You know, you're really sick, man," Johnny said, his voice pained. 

"Mister Miyagi..." Sensei Kreese shoved Johnny before spinning him and holding him tightly by the neck. I moved from behind the truck and almost successfully got to the cobras, only for my arm to be grabbed by Daniel.

A couple of the cobras attempted to get to Johnny, only for Bobby to get an elbow to the stomach and Tommy to get pushed away. "How does second place feel now?"

"Mister Miyagi, please," I begged him, my eyes watering as I saw Johnny struggling to breathe. Mister Miyagi tossed the duffel bag into the truck and walked over. I released myself from Daniel and followed him. 

"Oi, let him go." Mister Miyagi told him, Johnny's face turning red. 

"Yeah, Mister Miyagi's right. Let him go." Tommy said. Sensei Kreese back-handed him. 

"I say, let him go." Mister Miyagi said, sterner. 

"Beat it, slope. Or you're next." He threatened. Mister Miyagi grabbed him by the back of his jacket and pushed him away, causing him to lose his grip on Johnny. Johnny fell to the side, coughing while gripping his throat. I kneeled by Johnny, holding his shoulders. 

"Johnny, are you alright? Please tell me you're alright." I begged as his coughing subsided. He looked up at me, smiling weakly, but the color in his face coming back.

"I'm okay, Elle." He assures. I sighed in relief, hugging him tightly. He sat up on the parking stone, trying to catch his breath while I handed him the water bottle I was holding.

"Here, drink some, it'll help," I told him, wiping some hair from his face. He smiled, taking the bottle and drinking some of the water. We looked back up to the two men, Mister Miyagi was standing in front of the car and Sensei Kreese was putting himself in a fighting stance. I watched, playing with the hair on the back of Johnny's neck as Mister Miyagi showed no fear. 

Before I knew what was happening, Johnny was hiding my face in his chest while the sound of glass breaking was ringing in my ears. Once again, it happened. I looked up, hesitantly, finding Kreese with both his knuckles covered in red with tiny shards of glass poking out. Mister Miyagi pushed Kreese down so that he was on his knees and held him tightly by the hair. Mister Miyagi lifted his hand, "Mercy is for the weak." He said. "We do not train to be merciful here. A man face you, he is enemy. Enemy deserve no mercy." He began to kind of scream, I hid into Johnny again, not wanting to see what happens. 

Everything was quiet. Except for a small sound. "Honk." A thudding sound made me look back up. Kreese was on the ground. Mister Miyagi winked at Daniel, "Daniel-san. Noelle-san. Come. Ladies no wait forever." He looked at me. "Unless you stay with boy friend." 

I looked back at Johnny, he smiled gently. "Go, it's alright. Thanks." I sighed, standing up and leaving a light kiss on his forehead before following Mister Miyagi and Daniel. 

"You could've killed him, couldn't you?" Daniel asked, still shocked by the interaction.

"Oi." Mister Miyagi nodded.

"And why didn't you, then?" I asked.

"Because, Daniel-san, Noelle-san, for person with no forgiveness in heart, living is even worse punishment than death."

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oh and, in case anyone was wondering, this book is going to end before Daniel and Mister Miyagi go to Japan, just because the prom is where the big kaboom is gonna happen

off topic: i saw sirius black die, i cried

anyway, byeeeee

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All the love, C. xx

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