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     By the time PE rolled around, I was already dreading it when I walked onto the field and saw the cobras huddled in a group as they watched Danny and Ali's interaction. Is it always like that? Jesus, it's like every time I see them all in the same damn room, one of them is plotting against the other. I sighed, figuring that it wouldn't be a good idea if I left Daniel alone with all of them there. I walked over to the girls, finding Ali, who smiled as she saw me. She jogged up to me, wrapping me in a hug. That was unexpected. 

"I'm so glad you're in this class, we're gonna have so much fun!" She said excitedly. 

"I'd hope so, if you leave me alone with Danny, it'll be World War Three before we know it." I joked. She laughed before dragging me with her. 

"Alright, let's start!" She said to everyone. "Have you ever done cheerleading?" She asked me.

I shrugged, "Some, but I'm not very good at it." I admitted. 

She shook her head, waving her hand, "Nonsense, it's easy. Just follow my steps."

And so I did. It took a couple of tries, but eventually, I got it down, while still keeping an eye on the group of boys that were playing soccer. Eventually, Ali and I slowed our actions as one of the boys tripped Daniel, causing him to fall, only for him to tackle the guy who tripped him. "Son of a bitch." I muttered as the teacher came over, kicking Daniel out. 

"This school sucks, man! It sucks!" He began to storm off like an angry child while the other boys laughed. I groaned to myself, not wanting to leave. 

"Sorry, Ali. I should probably go after him." I apologized, grabbing my things. 

"It's alright, let him know I'll see him at lunch, yeah?" I nodded, swinging my bag over my shoulder and running after him, making sure to flip Johnny and them off. 

At lunch, I stood in the line next to Daniel as he ranted about the cobras. "Those guys are assholes." He muttered. 

"I know, Danny. Just think of it as... as Frank and Kyle." I said, referring to the guys that used to pick on us in elementary school. Daniel scared them one day by bringing a fake spider and putting it on one of their heads, which resulted in both of them pissing themselves and never bugging us again. "You can do something to piss him off and maybe he'll leave us alone," I suggested, grabbing a styrofoam bowl of broccoli and putting it onto my tray.

"Yeah, maybe that'll work." He agreed just as Ali came up to his other side. "Hey, Ali with an 'i', how you doing?" He greeted. I smiled at the two as they spoke, keeping to myself. It was nice that Daniel was finally over that one girl from Jersey. I never liked her, but he never listened to me, so he was the one crying to me while I told him that I told him so. As we got to the register, the woman gave the total for his lunch while he responded for all three. 

"It's alright, Daniel, I can pay for mine." 

"Nah, it's alright." He shook his head, giving the bill to the woman. We left and I went to find a table while Ali followed me, telling something to Daniel which resulted in him muttering to himself before catching up to us. She sat in the middle while both Daniel and I sat on the opposite sides of her. 

"So, how are your first days going?" She asked, beginning to unfold her napkin and eat. 

I shrugged, "The fact that I have your ex in almost half of my classes is only the worst part." I complained. "He never seems to listen to me when I ask him to leave me alone. I wonder if a hit in the dick would get him to shut up." 

Ali laughed while Daniel scolded me for my use of profanity. "Noelle!" 

"What? I'm just saying, that'll most likely work!" I defended, taking broccoli with my plastic utensil. "It'll get him to know that I, for one, am not interested and that I'm not some princess that he thinks I am. It'll prove that I'm... independent." 

"That's the spirit." Ali chuckled. 

Daniel rolled his eyes while flicking off the cap of one of the sides. "It'll just prove that he likes to test you to your limits, Noe. It'll just encourage it." 

"Not if I stop him before he does, wise one. It's a master plan of brains and knowledge. I need to learn his weaknesses and use them against him. Not that I actually would... I'm not that evil." I replied.

"Then what are you gonna do?" Ali asked, beginning to eat her lunch.

I shrugged, "No idea. Probably hit him where it hurts."

"And where's that?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow. 

"The dick, obviously."

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i LOVED this chapter!! i thought you guys could use a little humor :)

and because GhostieBuba has been super supportive and I legit fangirl every time they comment and vote. Love ya!!

i'll see you guys in the next chapter,

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All the love, C. xx

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